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What are the hottest topics in endodontics today?

Dear colleagues,

I have just received an email alert from the Journal of Endodontics with a list of the top 15 articles that were downloaded from the online version of that prestigious publication in 2012. Below, you will find links to the Medline abstracts of these 15 articles. In the top right hand corner of each abstract there is a link to the website of the publisher, where you can purchase the full text of any of these articles. I hope you find this information useful to your practice.


Ferrule Effect: A Literature Review
Juloski, J.; Radovic, I.; Goracci, C.; Vulicevic, Z.R.; Ferrari, M.
Volume 38, Issue 1, 2011

Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: A Comprehensive Literature Review Part III: Clinical Applications, Drawbacks, and Mechanism of Action
Parirokh, M.; Torabinejad, M.
Volume 36, Issue 3, 2010

Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: A Comprehensive Literature Review Part I: Chemical, Physical, and Antibacterial Properties
Parirokh, M.; Torabinejad, M.
Volume 36, Issue 1, 2009

Modern Endodontic Surgery Concepts and Practice: A Review
Kim, S.; Kratchman, S.
Volume 32, Issue 7, 2006

Analysis of Factors Associated with Cracked Teeth
Seo, D.G.; Yi, Y.A.; Shin, S.J.; Park, J.W.
Volume 38, Issue 3, 2012

Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: A Comprehensive Literature Review Part II: Leakage and Biocompatibility Investigations
Torabinejad, M.; Parirokh, M.
Volume 36, Issue 2, 2010

Antagonistic Interactions between Sodium Hypochlorite, Chlorhexidine, EDTA, and Citric Acid
Rossi-Fedele, G.; Dogramaci, E.J.; Guastalli, A.R.; Steier, L.; Poli de Figueiredo, J.A.
Volume 38, Issue 4, 2012

Post Placement and Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth: A Literature Review
Schwartz  RS, Robbins JW.
Volume 30, Issue 5, 2004

Outcome of Endodontic Surgery: A Meta-analysis of the Literature-Part 2: Comparison of Endodontic Microsurgical Techniques with and without the Use of Higher Magnification
Setzer, F.C.; Kohli, M.R.; Shah, S.B.; Karabucak, B.; Kim, S.
Volume 38, Issue 1, 2011

Canal Shaping with WaveOne Primary Reciprocating Files and ProTaper System: A Comparative Study
Berutti, E.; Chiandussi, G.; Paolino, D.S.; Scotti, N.; Cantatore, G.; Castellucci, A.; Pasqualini, D.
Volume 38, Issue 4, 2012

Vital Pulp Therapy in Vital Permanent Teeth with Cariously Exposed Pulp: A Systematic Review
Aguilar, P.; Linsuwanont, P.
Volume 37, Issue 5, 2011

Cyclic Fatigue and Torsional Resistance of Two New Nickel-Titanium Instruments Used in Reciprocation Motion: Reciproc Versus WaveOne
Kim, H.C.; Kwak, S.W.; Cheung, G.S.P.; Ko, D.H.; Chung, S.M.; Lee, W.
Volume 38, Issue 4, 2011

Internal Root Resorption: A Review
Patel, S.; Ricucci, D.; Durak, C.; Tay, F.
Volume 36, Issue 7, 2010

Nonvital Tooth Bleaching: A Review of the Literature and Clinical Procedures
Plotino, G.; Buono, L.; Grande, N.M.; Pameijer, C.H.; Somma, F.
Volume 34, Issue 4, 2008

Outcomes of Nonsurgical Retreatment and Endodontic Surgery: A Systematic Review
Torabinejad, M.; Corr, R.; Handysides, R.; Shabahang, S.
Volume 35, Issue 7, 2009



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1 Comment

  1. John February 27, 2013

    Thanks for the list of top 15 articles from JOE. However, something more useful would be the actual article – perhaps the CDA could purchase (I’m sure for a reduced cost), a subscription to this articles for even 30 days.

    The blogs are the best idea the CDA has had in a very, very, very long time.




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