As COVID-19 continues its spread across the globe, scientists are collaborating on an unprecedented scale in an attempt to understand the virus, to find workable therapies, and ultimately the vaccine that will halt the pandemic. Never before has a public health crisis prompted such a comprehensive response from the global scientific community. So, what do […]
The Centers for Disease Control (US) provide oral healthcare professionals with resources on the basic principles of infection prevention and control for dental health care settings. These could be helpful particularly with the COVID19/Coronavirus outbreak. Access the full training modules
Alors que le monde est à l'affût des dernières informations sur l'épidémie de coronavirus ou de COVID19, nous vous fournissons les dernières informations destinées aux professionnels de la santé. Voici les dernières nouvelles de Santé Canada En date du 26 février 2020, 12 cas du COVID-19 ont été confirmés au Canada. L'Agence de la santé […]
As the world watches for the latest on the outbreak of the Coronavirus or COVID19, we are providing you with the latest information geared towards health professionals. Here's the latest from Health Canada As of February 26, 2020, 12 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Canada. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has […]
Currently health agencies across the globe are coordinating efforts to contain and eliminate the new coronavirus. Health professionals in Canada have a critical role to play in identifying, reporting and managing potential cases of novel coronavirus infection. While all healthcare providers have a role to play in the early detection of potentially infected patient, the […]
Actuellement, les agences de santé à travers le monde coordonnent leurs efforts pour contenir et éliminer le nouveau coronavirus (nCoV-2019). Les professionnels de la santé au Canada jouent rôle essentiel dans l’identification, la déclaration et la gestion des cas potentiels de nouvelles infections au coronavirus. Bien que tous les prestataires de soins de santé participent […]
Dr. Blaine Cleghorn, Professor and Assistant Dean of Clinics at the University of Dalhousie, was a member of a task force struck by the Public Health Agency of Canada to revise the Guideline on the Prevention of Transmission of Bloodborne Viruses from Infected Healthcare Workers in Healthcare Settings. He sat down with Dr. John O'Keefe […]
Review Article Abstract: The Prevention of Infections in Older Adults: Oral Health Older adults are at high-risk for oral infections and any associated complications that may result in tooth loss. Over time, tooth loss impacts nutrition, appearance, and physical health; and ultimately hinders healthy ageing. I am joined by Dr. Patrick P. Coll, MD, and […]