Dr. David French
Periodontist, Calgary AB
One year into the COVID-19 pandemic and the debate around aerosol generating procedures continues. And whilst original thinking suggested that transmission of the virus was being driven by large droplets and contact with contaminated surfaces, more recent studies are suggesting airborne transmission too. On November 4th of last year, Canada quietly acknowledged that aerosols were an issue.
In this edition of CDA Oasis Live, Dr. John O’Keefe, Director of Knowledge Networks CDA, welcomes Dr. David French, a periodontist from Calgary AB, to discuss the management of aerosols in the dental office. Dr. French reviews the key strategies and protocols implemented so far in practices across Canada, and brings a particular focus to the application of UV light in removing airborne contaminants.
We hope you find the conversation useful. We welcome your thoughts, questions and/or suggestions about this post and other topics. Leave a comment in the box below or send us your feedback by email.
Until next time!
CDA Oasis Team
Do you still recommend the UV AIR 300 F for dental offices and where can they be purchased in Canada?
This presentation should either be updated or removed completely – there is so much more we know these days about managing aerosols and there is no clear evidence whether dental aerosols are infectious (because diluted).
Attached is the paper from PHO explaining that the best way to manage aerosols is still HVS.
Also, UVC lights are germicidal and there is evidence they are not effective against viruses. Besides, the lights are dangerous to workers’ health.
However, this all looks pretty exciting for patients…