In August 2019, health authorities began to report on an outbreak of severe lung disease across the US and Canada that was linked to the use of e-cigarettes and other vaping products. By the end of 2019 a new disease had been born: E-cigarette and Vaping Associated Lung Injury
EVALI is a life threatening pulmonary disorder associated with the use of vaping products that is particularly prevalent among younger populations. Symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, fever, nausea and diarrhea.
In this conversation with Chiraz Guessaier, Manager CDA Oasis, Dr. Mark Donaldson, Associate Principal with Vizient, walks through the rise of vaping over the last decade and outlines the impact it has had on both general and oral health. He breaks down the chemical components of e-liquids and highlights their toxicity to enamel and soft tissue, He also underlines the important role dentists can play in recognizing EVALI in the community.
We hope you find the conversation useful. We welcome your thoughts, questions and/or suggestions about this post and other topics. Leave a comment in the box below or send us your feedback by email.
Until next time!
Chiraz Guessaier, CDA Oasis Manager