News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks – 2019/02/27

Top News
Quebec to invest $10 million annually in dental care for seniors at CHSLDs
E-cigarette users show cancer-linked genetic changes
Ottawa’s top doctor calls for strict rules on edibles
Canadian Dentistry News
Study on the issues relating to the human rights of federally-sentenced persons. Dr. Mitch Taillon addresses the Senate Committee on Human Rights. Listen. See also Canada’s correctional system: An inside look
National Calls For Standardized Dental Care For Seniors In Long-Term Care. Tiffany Ludwicki joined representatives of the Canadian Dental Hygienist Association (CDHA) from across the country for a meeting with Senators and MPs in Ottawa, in an effort to address oral health problems that affect seniors. Read more
2019 federal budget to be tabled March 19: Morneau. Morneau told reporters that the budget will focus on helping workers get the skills they need for the future and on ensuring seniors feel optimistic about their futures. … The Liberals also plan to use the document to lay out how they will achieve their two main goals on pharmacare: keeping costs down and ensuring better coverage for everyone. Read more
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh claims victory in Burnaby South byelection. In his victory speech, Singh thanked supporters and promised to fight against poverty and continue his party’s campaign for a universal pharmacare plan. Read more
Measles resurgence comes to Canada. Vaccine hesitancy is contributing factor to measles outbreaks around the world. Read more
Quebec to invest $10 million annually in dental care for seniors at CHSLDs. The announcement follows pilot projects carried out in three CHSLDs that revealed improved dental care bettered the residents’ quality of life. Read more
L’Ordre des dentistes du Québec applaudit le lancement du nouveau programme gouvernemental de soins buccodentaires en CHSLD. … Ce programme permettra d’améliorer grandement les conditions de vie des aînés en veillant à ce que les résidents, particulièrement les personnes en perte d’autonomie, aient accès à des soins qui contribueront à leur qualité de vie, à leur alimentation et à leur santé globale. Lire plus et lire le communiqué
Quebec City mobile dentist a hit with seniors, those with reduced mobility. CBC News: A Quebec City dentist is looking to hire extra staff to meet the growing demand for her unique services. Read more
Calgary councillors vote to study effects of removing fluoride from city’s water eight years ago. … Council agreed, voting Monday night for the University of Calgary’s O’Brien Institute for Public Health to examine the benefits and detriments of fluoridation. Read more
Alberta Health Services warning of potential measles exposure in Edmonton area after infected traveller passed through airport from Vancouver. Alberta Health Services (AHS) is warning people in the Edmonton area about potential measles exposure after a traveller carrying the infection passed through the city’s airport and several locations in Leduc. Read more
New study finds the developmentally disabled are vulnerable in Ontario. The research from the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences found the developmentally disabled were significantly more likely to die young, languish in hospital without plans for appropriate aftercare, spend time in long-term care, or have repeat hospitalizations and emergency room visits than their non-disabled peers. Read more
CIHR Project Grant: Spring 2019 Priority Announcement (Specific Research Areas). The CIHR-IMHA Priority Announcement (PA) has funding pools for four research areas: Musculoskeletal Health, Skin Health, Oral Health, or Arthritis. The Priority Announcement offers additional sources of funding ($100,000) for highly rated applications that are relevant to the specific research areas. Read more
NCOHR E-Survey: Setting Oral Health Research Priorities. Are you interested in shaping the future of oral health research in Canada? NCOHR members please check your email for an important e-survey on setting priorities! If you are involved in oral heath research and not a member, please join. Read more
A day in the life of a happy dentist. This photo essay is part of our [The Globe and Mail] coverage of the results of a nationwide survey on happiness, conducted by the Gandalf Group for The Globe and Mail. ‘I really enjoy what I do,’ says Vancouver dentist Joey Chi-Cheng Yu. ‘You get to help people and you make a pretty good living.’ Read more
At 110 years old, Dr. Robert Wiener was Canada’s oldest man. The retired oral surgeon was Canada’s only male supercentenarian. Read more. If unable to access The Globe and Mail article, read more about Dr. Wiener here ( or here (
International Dentistry News
Nearly 6 in 10 children aged one to four did not see an NHS dentist last year. Overall, 41.4% of children, aged zero to seventeen years, did not attend an NHS dentist appointment last year. 32.7% of five to nine years didn’t see an NHS dentist and 27.6% of ten to fourteen years old didn’t see an NHS dentist during the year. Read more
Nevada Dental Association to host Oral Health Awareness Day with lawmakers in Carson City. The purpose of the visit is to communicate with lawmakers about the importance of oral health and to ensure all Nevadans have access to a qualified dentist. Read more
Spotlight on dental amalgam at CIOSP. FDI fully supports the phase down of dental amalgam, but countries and dentists must be given access to safe, effective and affordable alternatives. Read more
Health campaigners urge Brits to urgently improve knowledge and awareness of deadly disease. Findings from a new nationwide study have prompted calls for the British public to improve their knowledge around mouth cancer. Read more
ADA FDI World Dental Congress features top-of-the-world CE. With registration for the ADA FDI World Dental Congress having opened Feb. 13, it is now time to act quickly and register for the over 300 continuing education courses that are truly the star of this joint meeting. Read more
Dentists affected by class action lawsuit may be eligible for payment. Dentists who purchased supplies or equipment directly from Henry Schein, Inc., Patterson Companies, Inc. or Benco Dental Supply Company may be eligible for a portion of an $80 million settlement reached following a lawsuit against the three companies. Read more
State moves to reimburse Florida dentists for student loans if they agree to work in underserved areas. A Florida House health-care panel has moved forward with a bill that would allow Florida dentists to qualify for up to $250,000 in student-loan repayments if they agree to work in public-health programs or underserved areas. Read more
California Dental Association supports bills targeting Coke and Pepsi in California. A broad coalition of dentists, physicians and public health advocates announced their support for a package of bills aimed at reducing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and ensuring corporations like The Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo Inc. stop targeting low-income communities and pay their fair share of public health costs. Read more
How Big Pharma donations may influence public drug coverage. A new review of 372 patient group submissions to the Canadian Agency for Drugs or Technology in Health – about whether new medicines should be covered by public plans – reveals a total of 1896 conflicts of interest. Read more
DeSantis wants access to Canadian prescription drugs to drop Florida’s healthcare cost. The Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Wednesday that he wants to give patients access to cheaper prescription drugs from Canada, making Florida the latest state to try to import medications to reduce rising healthcare costs. Read more
Rep. Joyce calls for repeal of medical device tax. Saying a 2.3 percent tax on medical devices is stifling healthcare research and development, first-term Congressman John Joyce, R-Altoona, on Monday said he will cosponsor legislation to repeal the tax before it is reinstated for the 2020 calendar year. Read more
BDA advises caution in using ‘over the counter’ and online teeth whitening products. Many ‘over the counter’ teeth whitening products are either ineffective or could damage teeth. Read more
Mental health: BDA back HEE calls for action on stress and burnout in profession. BDA research found that almost half of dentists say stress in their job is exceeding their ability to cope, and the most stressful aspects of their work are related to regulation and fear of litigation, and pressures. Read more
ADHA Joins AAP in Support of Pediatric Oral Health. Protect Tiny Teeth project addresses oral health in pregnancy and infancy. Read more
Clinical & Scientific News
Injectable drug aims to accelerate bone healing. The injectable drug goes directly to site of the fracture and attaches itself to the bone without the need for invasive surgery to treat fracture directly on the bone. Read more
Researchers demonstrate the efficiency of producing stem cells from the tissues of the umbilical cord. … the perivascular tissue of the umbilical cord (Wharton’s jelly) is an effective and safe source of mesenchymal stem cells. Read more
Activating tooth regeneration in mice. [Researchers] have pinpointed why mice don’t have replacement teeth by comparing gene expression in the dental lamina, the area that forms the teeth, of the mouse and the minipig, which has two sets of teeth. Read more
E-cigarette users show cancer-linked genetic changes. A USC study in 93 people shows that e-cigarette users develop some of the same cancer-related molecular changes in oral tissue as cigarette smokers, adding to the growing concern that e-cigarettes aren’t a harmless alternative to smoking. Read more
Quick Updates: No Compelling Evidence of Health Benefits From Non-sugar Sweeteners. Swapping sugary foods and beverages for those made with non-sugar sweeteners doesn’t appear to confer important health benefits for generally healthy people. Read more
Boston Researchers Create Patch That Can Fight Cancer. Using nano-technology, the chemotherapy drug is wrapped inside tiny particles that are released from the patch and aim only for the cancer. Read more and see also Privo Technologies begins FDA Approved Clinical Trials
Journal of Dental Research Centennial March 2019: The Evolution of Dental Materials Over The Past Century. JDR is featuring a yearlong monthly commemorative articles and podcasts that highlights topics that have transformed dental, oral and craniofacial research over the past 100 years. Read more, read the article and listen to podcast
What really happens in the home: a comparison of parent-reported and observed tooth brushing behaviors for young children. This study aimed to determine the feasibility of objective assessment of tooth brushing behaviors in the homes of high-risk children under three years old. Read more
Mind Your Business
When Your Plans Change… Make Sure Your Insurance Plans Change Too. If you’ve had a baby, renovated your practice, planned a long trip, entered retirement, or made any other life changes, it’s probably time to update your insurance. Read more
Patient Information
Make Informed Decisions Before Purchasing or Using Direct-to-Consumer Dental Appliances. Public statement from the Canadian Dental Association. Read more
Helping consumers make informed choices. The CDA Seal helps consumers know which oral health benefit claims made by a manufacturer have been independently reviewed and are supported by scientific evidence. Read more
5 Fun Ways to Welcome the Tooth Fairy. Read more
Your health & Medical News
Tobacco plants transformed into ‘green bioreactors’ to benefit human health. Researchers at Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute are using tobacco plants as ‘green bioreactors’ to produce an anti-inflammatory protein with powerful therapeutic potential. Read more
Recent study suggests breast milk from mothers with IBD may compromise baby’s immune system. A first-of-its-kind study to look in depth at whether breast milk components in mothers with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis differ from healthy breast milk has shown that breast milk from these patients may compromise the immune system of their newborns. Read more
After honouring 99 men, McGill medical building recognizes pioneer Maude Abbott. Ninety-nine plaques adorn the walls of McGill’s Strathcona Medical Building with each honouring a person’s contribution to the university and medicine, and they are all of men — until now. Medical pioneer Maude Abbott is taking her rightful place among them. Read more
10 health stories that mattered this week. Read more
Vast majority of Canadians say vaccines should be mandatory for school aged kids. …the latest public opinion survey from the Angus Reid Institute finds the vast majority of Canadians (70%) saying vaccinations against common deadly diseases should be a requirement for children entering school. Read more
Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor tables the 2017-2018 Canada Health Act Annual Report in Parliament. The report provides Canadians with an update on federal administration of the Act, and a clear picture of how public health care insurance plans across the country operate. Read more
Privacy commissioner to investigate sale of health data. The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario is launching an investigation in the wake of a Toronto Star story about the sale of patient medical records. U.S. health data giant IQVIA says it has the potential to access the health records of five million Ontarians. Read more
How childhood infections and antibiotics may increase risks of mental illness. A new body of research suggests that infections in childhood, along with antibiotic use, could impact the bacteria in our intestines and raise risks of mental health challenges in later life. Read more
As B.C. battles an outbreak of exquisitely infectious measles, a new poll suggests a third of Canadians are questioning the science behind vaccines. The Angus Reid Institute online survey found that 29 per cent of those polled are of the opinion that the science on vaccinations against deadly childhood infections isn’t “quite clear.” And the skepticism rises with age… Read more
Ottawa’s top doctor calls for strict rules on edibles. In a report going to the Ottawa Board of Health on March 4, Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa’s medical officer of health, calls on Health Canada to enforce stringent labelling and health standards for the products, which are set to become legal Oct. 17. Read more
E-cigarette company Juul is now doing health research, but its first study could bring more questions than answers. … the company presented a poster summary of a clinical trial comparing people who exclusively used its devices against people who smoked traditional cigarettes. Read more
Doctors moonlighting as inventors face unique hurdles to commercialization. Experts say the sector is ripe for technology, but doctors are often pushed towards research instead of entrepreneurship, and can find themselves lacking funding and support, leaving ideas for more efficient devices and cost-saving innovations unrealized. Read more
Canadian spending on health care is lower than average and efficient, says former hospital CEO. [OPINION]: Compared to other countries, Canada spends less than average on health care, so don’t believe those who attack the system and want to privatize services, writes Dr. Bob Bell, a retired surgeon and hospital CEO. Read more
Editorial: Soda taxes work. That’s why the soda industry fights so hard to defeat them. A new UC Berkeley study found that, three years after the city of Berkeley implemented a tax on soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages, Berkeley residents slashed their consumption of these drinks by a whopping 52 percent. Read more
Are low-priced drugs becoming an endangered species? The price of Canada’s top-selling patented drugs has increased by 800 per cent over 10 years. A single phrase in a federal government report released last week made a dire prediction about the future of drug prices: “Lower-cost medicines may become the exception rather than the norm.” Read more
Quebec pharmacare might just be what Ottawa is looking for. [OPINION]: It’s Canada’s only hybrid model that leverages public and private insurers to provide universal access to most drugs. And it’s relatively inexpensive. Read more
Using 1 germ to fight another when today’s antibiotics fail. Pitting one germ against another may sound radical, but it’s a sign of a growing global crisis. […] Now scientists are racing to find novel alternatives to traditional antibiotics, a hunt that is uncovering unusual ways to counter infection, in unusual places. Read more
Continuing education matters
Dalhousie University – Current course offerings
McGill University – Continuing dental education
Université Laval – Formation continue
University of Manitoba – Continuing professional development
Université de Montréal – Formation dentaire continue
University of Alberta – Program and courses
University of British Columbia – Calendar of courses
University of Saskatchewan – Continuing professional dental education
University of Toronto – Continuing dental education
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry University – Continuing professional development
March 7-9: Pacific Dental Conference, in Vancouver, British Columbia. Read more
March 12-16: 38th International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne, Germany. Read more
March 13-19: Academy of Osseointegration 2019 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. Read more
April 4-6: Irish Dental Association Annual Conference, in Galway, Ireland. Read more
April 10-13: American Association of Endodontists Annual Meeting, in Montreal, Quebec. Read more
May 1-4: 38th Australian Dental Congress in Adelaide, Australia. Read more
May 9-11: Ontario Dental Association Annual Spring Meeting, Toronto, Ontario. Read more
May 23–25: Alberta Wellness Summit, presented by the Alberta Dental Association and College. Read more
May 24–28: Journées dentaires internationales du Québec, in Montréal, Québec. Read more
June 19–22: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition in Vancouver, British Columbia. Read more
September 4-8: ADA FDI World Dental Congress, in San Francisco, CA. Read more
September 12–14: College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan + Canadian Dental Association Joint Convention, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Read more
Please let us know about upcoming continuing education meetings that could be of interest to Canadian dentists by emailing us at
Dental Industry News
Oral-B’s NEW AI-Brush Knows More About Brushing Styles Than Anyone on The Planet. Oral-B, …, unveils at the MWC 2019 its breakthrough new Artificial Intelligence Brush GENIUS X, and presents its vision for the future, where intelligent dental & health management tools will lead to a longer, healthier life. Read more
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