News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks – 2018/05/02
Will Independent Canadian Dental Offices Soon Be A Thing Of The Past?
Cochrane’s Future Publishing and Open Access Arrangements
American Teledentistry Association (ATDA) Announces Launch
Henry Schein President James Breslawski Assumes New Role As Vice Chairman
Canadian dentistry news
Culturally safe dentistry coming to London. The Middlesex London Health Unit (MLHU) and the Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre (SOAHAC) have formed a new partnership to provide “culturally safe” dental care. What does that mean? It means trying to break down barriers to dental care that have existed for decades. Read more
Schools fret as teens take to vaping, even in class. A new wave of smaller vapes has swept through schools in recent months, officials say. Sneaking a cigarette in the school bathroom? How quaint. Today’s teens have taken to vaping, an alternative to smoking that’s so discreet they can do it without even leaving the classroom. Read more
Windsor’s mayor says province should determine to fluoridate or not. Windsor’s mayor and a city councillor are defending the decision to remove fluoride from the city’s drinking water. Read more
Fluoration de l’eau : un sujet qui fait grincer des dents. Le fluorure dans l’eau du robinet des résidents de Windsor est absent depuis cinq ans. Mais de nouvelles données du bureau de santé publique de cette ville du Sud-Ouest de l’Ontario tendent à démontrer que sa disparition a des conséquences sur les jeunes enfants. Lire plus
Un premier programme en assistance dentaire de l’Est-du-Québec à Matane? La Commission scolaire des Monts-et-Marées (CSMM) demande au ministère de l’Éducation du Québec de financer la création d’un programme en assistance dentaire au Centre de formation professionnelle de Matane. Lire plus
Famous canoe Trudeaus pictured in preserved in Niagara periodontist’s practice. Boats help signal love of nature, tranquility, says Fonthill’s Peter Fritz. Read more
Women’s hockey mockumentary becomes tribute to slain star, dentist Cindy McCormick. Following the tragic death of a cast member and close friend, Quispamsis filmmaker Gretchen Kelbaugh wrapped a playful mockumentary production with a sharper resolve to speak out about intimate partner violence. Read more
CDAA Weekly E-Newsbrief May 1, 2018. Read more
New director of graduate periodontics program. Flavia S. Lakschevitz, DDS, PhD, MSc (Perio), has joined the Department of Oral Biological & Medical Sciences as an assistant professor and director of the graduate program in Periodontics. Read more
Brushing up on generosity. If someone were to search your bathroom, they’d probably find an object we all take for granted. After all, most of us have been taught how to use it since we were young: floss. But for newcomers to Canada, the basics of dental care are not always learned skills and that’s something students in the School of Dental Hygiene have voted to remedy. Read more
Le blanchiment des dents… à la maison. Parce que c’est aujourd’hui la norme d’avoir les dents bien blanches (merci, Hollywood), on trouve sur le marché de nombreux produits destinés à blanchir les dents. Leurs modes d’action diffèrent, leur efficacité aussi. Deux dentistes commentent les principales options. Lire plus
Inauguration de la salle Morisset, Laboratoire dentaire. L’équipe de direction de la Faculté, plusieurs professeurs et les représentants de La Fondation de l’Université Laval ont accueilli chaleureusement les propriétaires du Laboratoire dentaire Morisset afin d’inaugurer comme il se doit la nouvelle salle de classe qui porte dorénavant le nom du fidèle partenaire de la Faculté de médecine dentaire. Lire plus
Célébration de l’excellence et du dépassement. La Soirée des prix d’excellence de la Faculté marque le début des activités de graduation pour les finissants du doctorat en médecine dentaire. Lire plus
Will Independent Canadian Dental Offices Soon Be A Thing Of The Past?, [OPINION]: The oversupply of dentists in Canada is just one trend that is affecting the growth potential of dental offices. With fierce competition, it is becoming increasingly hard to grow and maintain a dental office without diversifying and finding your niche market. Another factor that is making being a dentist and operating alone so hard is that corporations are taking over the independent dental offices and overpowering the individual dentists who can’t offer the same competitive pricing and flexibility. Read more
Volunteers provide free dental care to dozens of kids. Dozens of children from an inner-city school in Surrey have a brighter smile thanks to a group of volunteer dentists running a new and unique project. City Dream Centre has just launched a mobile dental program aimed at providing free care to kids in need. Read more
Dentists rally to support clinic in Israel. Winnipeg dentists who are members of Alpha Omega, a 50-member fraternity made up of Jewish dentists and an anonymous benefactor, have rallied together to help build a dental clinic for special-needs children in Israel. Read more
‘Even more reason to smile’: Region of Peel launches mobile dental clinic. Although the region had a dental bus for 12 years, it was only able to operate from April to October because it’s not winterized. On Thursday, April 26, a new 40-foot winterized bus that will be able to run all year long was revealed. Read more
International dentistry news
Stopping the rot: the distressing condition that makes children’s teeth crumble. One in 10 children are affected by MIH, which can cause their molars to disintegrate. But scientists are baffled by what causes it. Read more
GSK becomes latest member of FDI’s Vision 2020 partnership. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is the latest partner to join the Vision 2020 family, FDI’s advocacy strategy to strengthen the position of oral health by improving its awareness and visibility at both the national and global level. Read more
Listening and learning. In the city of Mozart’s birthplace and the land of The Sound of Music, FDI’s European Regional Organization (ERO) held its spring meeting in beautiful Salzburg, Austria. Read more
Australia’s Oral Health Tracker redefines their view of oral health. A national oral health report card released by the Australian Dental Association (ADA) and Australian Health Policy Collaboration at Victoria University revealed that more than 90% of Australian adults have experienced decay in their permanent teeth. Read more
ADA asks Congress for $44 million in funding for CDC, HRSA programs. For fiscal year 2019, the ADA is requesting $20 million for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Oral Health and $24 million for the Health Resources and Services Administration’s pediatric and general dental residencies. Read more
Juggling motherhood and a full-time career in dentistry: How I make it work. U.S. News recently listed dentistry as the #2 job in the country. Undoubtedly, our profession offers great work-life balance, career growth and low unemployment. However, it’s not without its challenges, of course—especially if you’re a working mother. Read more
Cochrane’s Future Publishing and Open Access Arrangements. Cochrane announced important decisions on its future publishing and open access arrangements, part of its commitment of making Cochrane evidence freely and openly accessible to everyone all over the world. Read more
Two out of ten players of contact sports suffer serious dental trauma – Dentists urge sporting bodies who haven’t acted, to make mouthguards compulsory. A dentist who specialises in treating sports injuries has warned that up to 20% of players of contact sports will undergo serious dental trauma during their playing careers. Read more
Dentists say it’s time to consign ‘unfit for purpose’ Medical Card Scheme to history New President of Irish Dental Association says revamped PRSI scheme shows what can be achieved with sufficient funding and a change of attitude. The Irish Dental Association has urged the Government to seize the opportunity which now exists to end the two-tier dental care system which exists in this country and to consign the ‘unfit for purpose’ DTSS /Medical Card Scheme to history. Read more
FDA, FTC take action against companies misleading kids with e-liquids that resemble children’s juice boxes, candies and cookies. As part of ongoing efforts to protect youth from the dangers of nicotine and tobacco products, today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued 13 warning letters to manufacturers, distributors, and retailers for selling e-liquids used in e-cigarettes with labeling and/or advertising that cause them to resemble kid-friendly food products, such as juice boxes, candy or cookies, some of them with cartoon-like imagery. Read more
The United Kingdom joins the sugar tax club – over a dozen countries down, still a long way to go. The United Kingdom is the most recent country to adopt a ‘sugar tax’ in an effort to tackle childhood obesity. In England alone, a third of children are obese or overweight when they leave primary school, and evidence shows that 80% of kids who are obese in their early teens will go on to be obese adults. Read more
The dentist targeting windsurfing gold in Tokyo. Pierre Le Coq might just be the coolest dentist in the world. when he is not fixing the teeth of his patients in his home town of Saint Brieuc in North West France, he can be found out on the waves off the Brittany Coast, honing the windsurfing skills that have already seen him earn an Olympic medal. Read more
American Teledentistry Association (ATDA) Announces Launch. the American Teledentistry Association (ATDA) launched in an effort to shape the conversation around the practice of teledentistry as a tool to increase access to care for millions of Americans through the use of innovative technological advancements. Read more
ADA asks Senate to update FDA drug monograph. The ADA on April 23 offered “enthusiastic support” for S. 2315, the Over-the-Counter Drug Safety, Innovation, and Reform Act — legislation that would modernize the Food and Drug Administration’s system for regulating OTC drugs. Read more
Clinical & scientific news
Drug-filled, 3-D printed dentures could fight off infections. ‘The antifungal application could prove invaluable among those highly susceptible to infection, such as the elderly, hospitalized or disabled patients. Read more
Bacteria boost antifungal drug resistance in severe childhood tooth decay. Some young children experience severe tooth decay that resist normal therapies. New research shows how plaque’s protective matrix can shield fungal cells from the drugs intended to kill them. Read more
Fluoride varnish in the primary dentition can prevent caries. Regular use of fluoride varnish can prevent caries in primary teeth. Advantages or disadvantages regarding further patient-relevant outcomes remain unclear due to a lack of data. Read more
Systematic treatment of periodontal disease: advantage of further therapeutic approaches. The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) investigated the advantages and disadvantages of different treatments of inflammatory disease of the periodontium. According to the findings, there are now an indication or hints of (greater) benefit for six therapeutic approaches, mostly regarding the outcome “attachment level”. Read more
Acupuncture possible treatment for dental anxiety. Researchers have found evidence that acupuncture could help people who experience dental anxiety. Read more
Black, white and shades of gray: Dental students’ research project shows in long run, charcoal toothpaste likely won’t help whiten teeth. Using charcoal toothpaste to whiten teeth may leave a person with more issues than just ash in the mouth. Read more
Tobacco company’s understanding of addiction revealed by internal documents. After decades denying the role of nicotine dependence in smoking addiction, tobacco company Philip Morris (PM) publicly embraced nicotine as the main driver of smoking behavior in 2000. Read more
Mind your business
Great Expectations. “I don’t know what the dentist expects of me” – Has anyone in your office ever uttered this phrase? Read more
Your health & medical news
Virtual reality could hold KEY to stopping opioid EPIDEMIC sweeping USA. Around 100 clinics and hospitals are working with Samsung to provide patients with therapy which eliminates the need for addictive painkillers. Trials show that using virtual reality headsets takes people’s minds of wounds and injuries by reducing pain as much as 53 per cent as well as anxiety by 60 per cent – which is the equivalent of medication. Read more
Getting off opioids with medical marijuana: Patients turn to pot over pills. In 2016, opioids killed more Americans than breast cancer. The drug overdose epidemic has become one of the most concerning public health issues of recent time, and in an effort to stem the tide, more and more patients and doctors are turning to pot over pills. Read more
Study to Explore Whether Cannabis Compound Eases Severe Symptoms of Autism. Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine are preparing a first-of-its-kind, multidisciplinary investigation to determine if and how cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant, provides therapeutic benefit to children with severe symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. Read more
Teens Love Vaping Flavors, and It’s a Regulatory Nightmare. E-cigs may help some adults quit smoking, but they lead more young people to start. Traditional cigarette smoking in America has dropped to historic lows, and it looks like electronic cigarettes could be helping. As “vaping” grows in popularity, studies have shown that the habit encourages adult smokers to quit the older, nastier version. Read more
The Uberization of Healthcare. Uber’s model of providing user-centered transportation options which lower cost and saves consumers’ time is gradually finding its place in healthcare. With technology companies disrupting the scene in healthcare, telemedicine is about to be the new “Uber” in healthcare delivery. Read more
Continuing education matters
Dalhousie University – Current course offerings
McGill University – Winter 2017 continuing education – upcoming courses
Université Laval – Formation continue
University of Manitoba – Continuing professional development
Université de Montréal – Formation dentaire continue
University of Alberta – Program and courses
University of British Columbia – Calendar of courses
University of Saskatchewan – Continuing professional dental education
University of Toronto – Continuing dental education
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry University – Continuing professional development
May 17-19 – CDA (California Dental Association) Presents The Art and Science of Dentistry, in Anaheim, California. Read more
May 24-27 – Alberta Dental Association and College – Jasper Dental Congress, in Jasper, Alberta. Read more
May 25-29 – Journées dentaires internationales du Québec, in Montréal, Québec. Registration now open
May 31-June 2 – Newfoundland and Labrador Dental Association Oral Health Convention, in Gander, NL. Read more
June 7-9 – Academy of General Dentistry – AGD2018, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Read more
June 20-23 – Annual Meeting of the American Dental Society of Europe, in Biarritz, France. Read more
August 22-25 – CDA Convention, hosted by the Dental Association of PEI. Save the date
August 31-September 2 – 24th International Association for Disability and Oral Health Congress, in Dubai, UAE. Registration now open
September 5-8, – FDI World Dental Congress, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Read more
September 6-8 – 2017 Saskatchewan Oral Health Conference, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Save the dates
September 21-22 – Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry Annual Conference, in Vancouver, British Columbia. Read more
September 27-29: 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics, in Montreal, Quebec. Save the date
October 18-22 – ADA 2018 America’s Dental Meeting, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Save the date
November 25-28 – Greater NY Dental Meeting 2018, in New York, NY. Read more
Please let us know about upcoming continuing education meetings that could be of interest to Canadian dentists by emailing us at
Dental industry news
Drug-filled, 3-D printed dentures could fight off infections. “The antifungal application could prove invaluable among those highly susceptible to infection, such as the elderly, hospitalized or disabled patients.” Read more
Henry Schein President James Breslawski Assumes New Role As Vice Chairman. Henry Schein, Inc. announced that James P. Breslawski has been named Vice Chairman of the Company, in addition to his role as President of Henry Schein. The Company also announced that Jonathan Koch has joined Henry Schein as Senior Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, Global Dental Group. Read more
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From Henry Schein Canada
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