Do you dream of becoming a great communicator?
Key message: If you harbour even the slightest dream of speaking at a dental convention (large or small) some day, please contact us to discuss the idea of you doing a presentation (or presentations) on Oasis Discussions. We can help bring you to the attention of convention organizers all around North America (and beyond).
Dear colleagues,
At the end of April, I attended the Ontario Dental Association Annual Spring Meeting (ASM) in Toronto. The positive relationship between ODA and CDA was manifested in many ways over the course of the convention, and I was personally made to feel very welcome by Ontario dentists, ODA volunteers & staff members and representatives of the dental industry.
Funnily, the most common question I was asked was what did the “Scout” designation on my badge signify. I was surprised by this, given how commonly the word scout is used in sporting circles in relation to someone who seeks out new talent with a potential to play in the big leagues. Once we got through the “Be Prepared” jokes, my answer was exactly along those lines – I was there to seek out “new talent” colleagues who could share important information through our CDA Oasis and Essentials channels.
The organizing committees of conventions such as the ODA ASM, the BCDA PDC and the ODQ JDIQ currently send out scouts to other conventions to find new presenters to present important topics in new and engaging ways at their convention. Speaking to these fellow scouts, it is clear to me that we share a common cause and I believe that we at CDA could potentially be more useful to the organizers of these conventions than we currently are (primarily by running interviews with convention speakers prior to the event).
What I have in mind is somewhat akin to the PDC’s excellent So You Think You Can Speak series and the ADA Conference New and Emerging Speaker series. If you think you would like to find your way on to such a program (and beyond – since they are great stepping-stones), I suggest that you could “cut your teeth” in a friendly environment by doing a presentation, or some presentations, with us on the CDA Oasis Discussions platform. Perhaps the organizers of conventions, or study club members, could even send some potential presenters our way with the idea of them having a try-out on Oasis and sharing the videos with focus groups of their convention attendees?
If this idea has any appeal to an individual or a sister organization, here is our promise to you. You will be treated with the utmost of respect, we will work with you to ensure that you look your best on camera, we will help you focus your presentation so that it has the best chance of being concise, interesting and useful to the potential viewership. We will also work to bring your Oasis presentations to the attention of meeting organizers across the continent.
We will be happy to discuss any presentation concepts you wish; however, we are most interested in clinically-focused topics, that are evidence-informed, that are useful to dentists & team members and that can be applied in practice as soon as possible for the benefit of patients.
The first step is often the hardest one, but I promise we are very welcoming. You can get the ball rolling by entering a comment in the comment box below (anything you enter there comes first as a private message to our team), or by sending an email to or by leaving a voice message at 1-855-716-2747. We look forward to hearing from you.
Together we can work to nurture the next generation of great continuing education presenters in dentistry. We look forward to being of further service to our sister organizations and our profession.
Sincere best wishes,
Hello, this is Mark Venditti from Kingston, Ontario. I would be interested in giving a presentation. I look forward to hearing from you.
Pick me pick me! John if anybody could get my knowledge and experience out there to people and encourage me or anybody it would be you.
I would love to give a presentation.
Hi John, Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. I would love to do a presentation on the CDA Oasis Discussions platform. I am booked to speak to several groups about “Oral Health Hacks”. I have experience speaking on other topics as well. I am looking forward to working with you again and sharing knowledge on whichever topic you think would interest our colleagues.
Hey John! This is exactly the kind of opportunity I’ve been waiting for ! It would be great to put something fabulous together . Looking forward to hearing from you and learning more about this great opportunity. Thank you