News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks – 2018/02/21
Top News
McGill – Appointment of new Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry
Senate deal to vote on pot bill on June 7 means no actual sales before August
Health benefits of marijuana go up in smoke in new study
Nanotechnology could redefine oral surgery
Canadian dentistry news
McGill – Appointment of new Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry. Professor Elham Emami the Faculty of Dentistry’s next Dean will officially begin her mandate on July 1st, 2018. But she is not a stranger to the Faculty. She has been an Adjunct Professor at McGill since 2011. Read more
New Frontier Seed Grant Program. NCOHR provides funding to support research and knowledge translation activities. The objective of the seed grant development fund is to support the development of collaborations in research with emphasis placed on novel, innovative and interdisciplinary approaches for investigating the area of oral health. Submission deadline is May 3, 2018. Read more
Programme de subventions nouvelles frontières. : Le but du programme de subventions de démarrage est de soutenir l’excellence et l’innovation en recherche via le développement de collaborations mettant l’accent sur des approches novatrices et interdisciplinaires dans le domaine de la santé buccodentaire. Date limite de présentation des demandes: le 3 mai 2018. Lire plus
Business groups urge Morneau to respond to U.S. tax cuts. Corporate Canada is mounting a last-minute push urging Ottawa to abandon plans for further changes to small-business taxes and to reduce Canadian taxes in response to major cuts in the United States. Read more
University of Alberta’s CDE team. The School of Dentistry Continuing Dental Education division provides a variety of programs and lectures. Read more
La formule renouvelée de la Journée scientifique a ravi les participants! Les commentaires d’appréciation des dentistes, hygiénistes et techniciens dentaires qui ont pris part à la 35e Journée scientifique sont unanimes : un succès! Les présentations de cas cliniques offertes par les spécialistes de la Faculté ont été qualifiées de concrètes, pertinentes, interactives et dynamiques! Lire plus
Senate deal to vote on pot bill on June 7 means no actual sales before August. Canadians will have to wait until early August – and maybe early September – to legally purchase recreational marijuana. Read more
La légalisation du cannabis ne se fera pas avant le mois d’août. Le vote final sur le projet de loi C-45 doit en effet avoir lieu à la Chambre haute le 7 juin, ce qui repousse au moins de deux à trois mois le moment où les ventes au détail pourront débuter. Lire plus
Health benefits of marijuana go up in smoke in new study. A new medical guideline suggests family doctors should think twice before prescribing marijuana to their patients. The Simplified Guideline for Prescribing Medical Cannabinoids in Primary Care, published Thursday in the medical journal Canadian Family Physician, says there is limited evidence to support the reported benefits of medical marijuana for many conditions. Read more
L’efficacité de la marijuana médicinale reste à prouver, selon des experts. Alors que le nombre de consommateurs de cannabis médicinal grimpe en flèche au pays, une équipe de l’Université de l’Alberta demande aux médecins de faire preuve de prudence. L’état actuel de la recherche ne permet pas, selon elle, de prouver ses bienfaits, sauf pour quelques cas. Lire plus
Orthodontics team heads to Ethiopia to provide dental care – Red Deer duo raised $10,000. Dr. Ivan Hucal, orthodontist and co-owner of Hucal & Edwards Orthodontics and Melanie Bott, registered dental assistant, headed to Ethiopia to provide dental services to those in need. Read more
Dentiste gratuit pour les démunis. Les patients qui fréquentent la clinique Jim Lund de l’Université McGill ressentent habituellement beaucoup de douleur. Certains ont attendu trop longtemps pour consulter, si bien que leurs problèmes dentaires affectent toute leur santé. Lire plus
Santé buccodentaire: plus qu’une question de coûts. La semaine dernière, l’Institut de recherche et d’informations socioéconomiques a publié une étude sur la hausse des dépenses liées aux soins dentaires au Québec. Au-delà des chiffres, cette étude vient surtout mettre en lumière la situation préoccupante de la santé buccodentaire des Québécoises et des Québécois. […] L’Ordre des dentistes est prêt à participer à l’effort requis pour améliorer la santé dentaire de la population et, de ce fait, réduire les dépenses des ménages consacrées aux soins dentaires. Lire plus
De bonnes dents, un luxe? De plus en plus de Canadiens se privent de soins dentaires, ce qui peut avoir des conséquences fâcheuses sur leur état de santé global. : Les soins dentaires sont de moins en moins accessibles au Québec, montre un nouveau rapport de l’Institut de recherche et d’informations socioéconomiques (IRIS). Lire plus
Un dentiste de Québec mort cliniquement 4 fois – Il dit ressentir maintenant une urgence de vivre. Un dentiste de Québec a reçu le cadeau d’une deuxième vie, le 22 août dernier, alors que son cœur d’athlète a lâché à quatre reprises en une vingtaine de minutes, foudroyé par un infarctus aigu. Lire plus
Singh takes aim at Netflix, wants pharmacare and dental care. He went on to offer a full-throated defence of government-delivered services, which he described as essential for equality, before calling for universal pharmaceutical and dental care, free tuition, and more affordable housing. Read more
CDAA Weekly E-Newsbrief February 21, 2018. Read more
International dentistry news
Dental groups request increased funding for CDC, HRSA, NIDCR. The ADA, American Dental Education Association, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and American Association for Dental Research are urging Congress to increase funding for a number of programs important to dentistry and oral health. Read more
Infection Prevention in Dental Settings. February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. […] An important part of a successful dental visit is a safe environment for dental care. CDC makes adherence to infection prevention and control recommendations easier than ever with their new mobile app, CDC DentalCheck. Read more
How Dental Inequality Hurts Americans. Lack of dental care through Medicaid not only harms people’s health, but has negative economic implications as well. Read more
U.S. spending on drugs will grow faster than on other health-care services over the next decade. The analysis, published in the journal Health Affairs, estimates that by 2026, national health spending will climb to $5.7 trillion, or nearly a fifth of the economy. Prescription drug spending is forecast to grow at 6.3 percent per year, on average, between 2017 to 2026. Read more
Débat mordant sur les soins dentaires – A trois semaines de la votation, face-à-face entre Brigitte Crottaz (PS) et Bertrand Dubrez, le président des dentistes vaudois. Gauche, syndicats et associations veulent une assurance obligatoire, financée notamment par les employeurs et les employés (1% du salaire). La droite, le patronat et les dentistes s’y opposent. Brigitte Crottaz, diabétologue et conseillère nationale socialiste, et Bertrand Dubrez, président de la Société vaudoise des médecins-dentistes, en ont débattu au cœur de la rédaction de 24 heures. Lire plus et écouter l’entrevue 13:54
Dentist offices taking patients’ blood pressure for Washington County screening program. The Washington County Health Department and local dentist offices are using a special blood-pressure screening process before dental appointments to help prevent chronic diseases and hypertension. Read more
Cool-Looking and Sweet, Juul Is a Vice Teens Can’t Resist. In recent years, public health officials have grown increasingly concerned about the popularity of vaping among teenagers — omitting tobacco, e-cigarettes deliver warmed-up liquid nicotine turned into a vapor. Last fall, Senator Chuck Schumer held a news conference on Staten Island denouncing e-cigarettes, and Juul in particular, as he urged the Federal Drug Administration to reverse a decision to delay the regulation of vaping devices. Read more
Clinical & scientific news
Nanotechnology could redefine oral surgery. “Proteolytic Nanoparticles Replace a Surgical Blade by Controllably Remodeling the Oral Connective Tissue”. Now, one group reports a pre-clinical study in ACS Nano showing that they could potentially reduce pain and recovery time with the aid of specialized nanotechnology. Read more
Lack of guidance may delay a child’s first trip to the dentist. Without a doctor or dentist’s guidance, some parents don’t follow national recommendations for early dental care for their children, a new national poll finds. Read more
Is the air in your dental facility making you sick? How’s the air in your dental office or laboratory? Could it be harmful to the health of everyone who works there? Researchers analyzed the size and concentration of nanoparticles in the air of typical dental facilities to learn more. Read more
Why get a filling when you could print a new smile? About one in 10 people suffer from dental sensitivity caused by worn enamel. But rather than providing short-term solutions like special toothpastes or fillings, new techniques could print whole new layers of enamel onto teeth – or even stimulate the body to grow new ones. Read more
Mind your business
Staph, back pain, and flying debris—oh my! Are you protecting yourself from the hazards of the op? We’ve rounded up our best articles on products designed for your protection so you can learn what you really need and what you don’t, how to shop for it, and how to make sure everything’s in proper working order. The occupational hazards of dentistry won’t stand a chance against you. Read more
Patient information
Know the drill: What Canadians need to know about dental tourism., Feb 19: Horror stories of dental work gone awry occasionally make headlines across Canada, but Dr. Valorie Crooks, a researcher with Simon Fraser University’s medical tourism group, said they don’t paint the full picture. Read more
Your health & medical news
New practice resource: Medical cannabis evidence guide. The Cannabis for Medical Purposes Evidence Guide was prepared to provide pharmacists and other health care providers with a curated summary of the best available evidence of the use of medical cannabis and cannabinoids for a variety of indications, including pain, multiple sclerosis (MS), chemotherapy-induced nausea/vomiting (CINV), and epilepsy. Read more
Newer Breast MRI May Be More Accurate and Easier. A new type of MRI that doesn’t use a contrast agent appears better at detecting what’s really cancer and what’s likely just a harmless lesion, researchers report. In a study in Germany, the new technique reduced false-positive findings by 70 percent. Read more
New HIV screening method leads to apparent spike in testing at Sask. First Nations. A new type of HIV test appears to be dramatically increasing the number of First Nations people getting tested in Saskatchewan. “Dried blood spot testing” is a needle-prick test, which is similar to having a blood sugar test for diabetes. Read more
Consumption of ultra-processed foods and cancer risk: results from NutriNet-Santé prospective cohort. In this large prospective study, a 10% increase in the proportion of ultra-processed foods in the diet was associated with a significant increase of greater than 10% in risks of overall and breast cancer. Read more
Effect of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages on Obesity Development. Consuming sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) may still be associated with or have an effect on the obesity index of adults and children, according to a systematic review published in Obesity Facts. Read more
Continuing education matters
Dalhousie University – Current course offerings
McGill University – Winter 2017 continuing education – upcoming courses
Université Laval – Formation continue
University of Manitoba – Continuing professional development
Université de Montréal – Formation dentaire continue
University of Alberta – Program and courses
University of British Columbia – Calendar of courses
University of Saskatchewan – Continuing professional dental education
University of Toronto – Continuing dental education
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry University – Continuing professional development
February 22-24: Chicago Dental Society’s 153th Midwinter Meeting – A Dental Triade: Pride • Passion • Professionalism, in Chicago, Illinois. Read more
March 8-10– Pacific Dental Conference, in Vancouver, British Columbia. Read more
March 21-24 – 47th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the American Association of Dental Research, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Save the date
April 18-21 – American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry 2018 in Chicago, Illinois. Read more
April 26-28 – ASM18 Annual Spring Meeting, in Toronto, Ontario. Read more
May 24-27 – Jasper Dental Congress, in Jasper, Alberta. Read more
May 25-29 – Journées dentaires internationales du Québec, in Montréal, Québec. Register now
May 31-June 2 – Newfoundland and Labrador Dental Association Oral Health Convention, in Gander, NL. Read more
June 20-23 – Annual Meeting of the American Dental Society of Europe, in Biarritz, France. Read more
August 22-25 – CDA Convention, hosted by the Dental Association of PEI. Save the date
August 31-September 2 – 24th International Association for Disability and Oral Health Congress, in Dubai, UAE. Registration now open
September 6-8 – 2017 Saskatchewan Oral Health Conference, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Save the dates
September 27-29: 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics, in Montreal, Quebec. Save the date
October 18-22 – ADA 2018 America’s Dental Meeting, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Save the date
Please let us know about upcoming continuing education meetings that could be of interest to Canadian dentists by emailing us at
Dental industry news
Dentsply Sirona announces Dr. Alexander Völcker as Group Vice President of CAD/CAM. Read more
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From Henry Schein Canada
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