How successful are implants for orthodontic anchorage and what are the reasons of their failures?
This summary is based on the article published in Implant Dentistry: Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage: Success Rates and Reasons of Failures (April 2014)
Juan C. Rodriguez, DDS, Fernando Suarez, DDS, Hsun-Liang Chan, DDS, MS, Miguel Padial-Molina, DDS, PhD, and Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD
In orthodontics, controlled forces are applied in specific directions to move teeth from improper locations into what is considered an “ideal” physiologic/esthetic location. To provide the movement, a steady and strong support known as orthodontic anchor is required.
Anchorage, by definition, is a resistance to displacement provided by a static object. The most common anchor used is the patient’s own dentition; however, in some cases, the anchorage is limited or not enough. In such cases, alternative strategies might be applied to achieve the desired outcome. These alternatives to natural teeth can be the palate, the head, the neck, and foreign devices, such as plates, implants, or screws.
Currently, mini-implants are commonly used in aid of orthodontic treatments; however, the reasons for failures have not been investigated in depth.
Purpose of the Article
The goal of this article to provide a comprehensive review of the literature on evaluating the reasons of failures and a metaanalysis of success for mini-implants for orthodontic anchorage.
Key Findings
- Mini-implant survival rate is location dependent, with those placed in the palate showing higher success rates. In addition, failures most commonly occur because of surgery-related factors.
- The most common cause for implants failure was surgery-related factors.
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