Preserving Heritage in Dentistry: The Crawford Dental Collection
Dr. John O’Keefe interviewed Dr. Ralph Crawford, past CDA President and editor of the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association about the Crawford Dental Collection at the Museum of Health Care (MHC) at Kingston
“The naming of the collection after Dr. Ralph and Mrs. Olga Crawford honours their more than 40-year ‘labour of love’ amassing and curating an extensive assemblage of artefacts and archives. Dr. Crawford began the collection as a dental student in the 1960s and originally used the objects to decorate his office in Winnipeg. In 1997, the Dentistry Canada Fund invited the Crawfords to establish the Dentistry Canada Museum at the organization’s downtown Ottawa headquarters. After the closure ofthe museum in 2008, the DCF offered the Crawoford Collection to MHC.”
Paul Robertson (2010)
Visit the Dr. Ralph and Mrs. Olga Crawford Dental Collection
Visit the Museum of Health Care at Kingstom
Listen to the Interview