How to preserve coronal tooth fragments prior to reattachment?
This summary is based on the article published in the Australian Dental Journal: Preservation of coronal tooth fragments prior to reattachment (September 2013)
Shirani F, Sakhaei Manesh V, Malekipour M. Preservation of coronal tooth fragments prior to reattachment. Aust Dent J. 2013 Sep;58(3):321-5.
Crown fractures are the most common form of dental injuries caused by trauma. If the fragment is retrieved after the trauma, reattachment could be a viable treatment option.
Reattachment of the tooth fragment is a well accepted treatment option in dealing with crown fractures. Hydration of the fragment is an important aspect in this treatment.
Purpose of the Study
The study evaluates the effect of storing fragments in different storage media prior to reattachment.
Key Message
Preservation of the fractured tooth fragment in egg white or a hypertonic 50% dextrose solution for 2 hours results in a higher strength of the bond between the restoration and the tooth compared to storage in water, milk, or dried conditions.
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- Andreasen FM, Noren JG, Andreasen JO, Engelhardtsen S, Lindh-Stromberg U. Long-term survival of fragment bonding in the treatment of fractured crowns: a multicenter clinical study. Quintessence Int 1995;26:669–681.
- Rauschenberger CR, Hovland EJ. Clinical management of crown fractures. Dent Clin North Am 1995;39:25–51.
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