Why Should I wear outerwear and how often should I change it?
This question was submitted by a general dentist: Why should I wear outerwear and how often should I change it?
Dr. Nita Mazurat, representing the Organization for Safety, Asepsis, and Prevention (OSAP) has provided this quick initial response
Outerwear is worn to prevent exposure of street clothes and operator’s skin to saliva and blood when aerosols are produced.
Outerwear should be changed whenever visibly soiled or daily, whichever comes first.
Do you need further information on this topic? Do you have any comments or suggestions? Email us at oasisdiscussions@cda-adc.ca
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Oh my….visible…daily ??
Protect street clothes…..??
Is is not about the patient??
Wonder how many dentists go to bed without a shower? Hope they wear it well.
Eat ,socialize,walk around your office in your contaminated clothing….big spread.
So many dirty operators out there……..
Need a new vision about this…..many of us could help.
Actually, outerwear is mostly about protecting the operator and those around the operator.
We welcome any suggestions for improvement of compliance!
I have yet to understand the rationale for short sleeved scrubs. Our arms are exposed to splatter. I have hairy arms!!!
The most practical rationale for use of short sleeved scrubs is for operator comfort. As long as any risks are recognized and acted upon, tailoring is acceptable. Let’s remember though that the North American guidelines for correct outerwear is the use of long sleeves.