Today, Dr. Mike Racich returns with another presentation. This time, he’s taking focus on two implant-related questions that are frequently asked by dentists contemplating the addition of implants to their practice: What course or institutes would you recommend? What implant system should I consider purchasing? About Dr. Mike Racich Dr. Racich is a general […]
At CDA Oasis, we’re always looking for new ways to share research and clinical information with dentists. Today, we’re launching our first Rapid Research Recap video. During each short video recap, we’ll present published clinical research, including study details and results in just a couple of minutes. Quick and easy to digest, Rapid Research Recaps […]
(Content under development) The following linked questions were submitted by a practising dentist: Does crown-root (C/R) ratio matter or not with an integrated implant and, then more importantly, what do you do in your practice? What does the literature say about C/R ratio for implants with regard to short implants and crowns that are long […]
Last month, JCDA OASIS and ITI, initiated Phase 1 of a joint treatment planning challenge pilot project. Just over 100 colleagues had agreed to participate in this exercise and many gave us feedback on a completely anonymous basis. For Phase 2 of the project, We have placed links below to a representative sample of the inputs […]