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Using AI Tools in the Dental Office

CDA Oasis January 20, 2025

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: CPAP vs OAT

CDA Oasis January 13, 2025

This bulletin updates you on JCDA Case Conferences, JCDA Clinical Q&A, and JCDA Oasis Mobile


Please send us your burning clinical questions. We are working on providing you with expert responses as soon as these become available.

Visit our Clinical Q&A website to submit the most critical questions relating to your everyday practice. Or, call our toll-free line at 1-855-71-OASIS and leave us a question message. We welcome a broad range of questions about diagnosis and treatment, in relation to techniques, materials, instruments, devices or therapeutic agents. We encourage you to send us your questions as they arise.

Our goal is to have JCDA Expert Panellists answer your questions as quickly as possible and share them through JCDA.


How Do I Manage Oroantral Communication? Key Points

This Urgent Care Scenario (USC) is presented by the JCDA Oasis Team in collaboration with Dr. Archie Morrison and is also available through the JCDA Oasis Mobile

Oroantral Communication (OAC) is an abnormal communication between the maxillary sinus and the oral cavity. It may be the result of different pathological processes and often occurs following an extraction. Other causes for OAC include: infection, inflammatory conditions, neoplasm, Paget’s disease, iatrogenic injury, and trauma. Read more…


How safe is gingivectomy in the disto-lingual area without the risk of traumatising/severing the lingual nerve?

Dr. Gordon Schwartz from GumDocs provided this quick initial response to a question submitted by a general dentist

15-year old patient with partially erupted 37, 47. Deep pockets 6 mm, small residual pericoronal flap and slight inflammation. How safe is it to do a gingivectomy (laser/electrocautery) in this disto-lingual area without the risk of traumatising/severing the lingual nerve? Read more…


How would you manage and restore this severely worn dentition?

This case is presented by Dr. Stephen Abrams from Cliffcrest Dental

Dr. Stephen Abrams is still seeking colleagues’ opinions about the best approach to this video case. View the case


How Effective Is the Neuromuscular Occlusion Approach in diagnosing and treating TMD?

This summary is based on the Rapid Response Report developed by the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health

We are proud of the recently forged alliance between JCDA Clinical Q&A and CADTH to generate and provide evidence-based answers to clinical questions that are pertinent to Canadian dentists. We are also happy to showcase the excellent discussion that ensued from the CADTH report summary which was posted on our Clinical Q&A site last week and which denotes dentists’ high engagement in this important discussion. We invite you to join this and other discussions on our site. Click here to read the report summary and generated comments.


Exploring treatment alternatives for the unsatisfactory removable partial denture

This new treatment challenge is presented to you in collaboration with Dr. Bill Abbott of the International Team for Implantology (ITI)

We thank our participating dentists for their engagement and the numerous therapeutic approaches they have provided for this case. Dr. Bill Abbott is currently working on a video solution that will be featured on our site in the near future. Visit JCDA Case Conferences regularly to view the case solution.


We are preparing more peer-reviewed content to be added to the online searchable information system related to:

  • Medical conditions with implications for dental treatment
  • Prescription drugs with implications for dental treatment
  • The most common medical and dental emergencies (urgent care scenarios) likely to be encountered in dental practice

Check JCDA Oasis Mobile to take advantage of new clinical content that will assist you in your everyday practice.


If you find our posts valuable and interesting, please share this knowledge with your friends, colleagues, and professional network and spread the word about the new JCDA Oasis and JCDA Clinical Q&As. At the end of each post, you have the options to share this post with colleagues that are on your LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and email contact networks.

Tell us how we are doing: visit our website and give us your feedback www.jcdablogs.ca


The JCDA Clinical Q&A is presented to you by the Canadian Dental Association

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