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e-Referral Member Service
During the first quarter of 2014, the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) is scheduled to launch e-Referral Service (, a member service and a tool tailored to meet the need of dentist-to-dentist communication about patient cases.
What would you like to know about this new service? Click Here
How do you manage fear and anxiety in the dental clinic?
This summary is based on the article published in the Australian Dental Journal: Management of fear and anxiety in the dental clinic: a review (December 2013)
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Courtesy of Wiley Publishing: Access the full-text article here
Which are safe drugs for patients suffering from renal failure?
This information is courtesy of Dr. Mark Donaldson
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Your Opinion: How would you treat this case?
A 57 year-old new patient presented with what I think is external resorption on the distal cervical of tooth 35.
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McGill University’s White Coat Ceremony: Dr. Donald Boudreau’s Key Note Address
Dr. Donald Boudreau was the key note speaker at the McGill University’s White Coat Ceremony in September 2013
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View from the Chairside: Is magnification through wearing loupes essential to perform dentistry?
The mouth is a tricky place to work in, as tooth defects are small and challenging to see and handle. For a while, I have been using a pair of loupes that I feel fit me so well, I cannot picture myself working without them.
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Does warming composite prior to placing in preparation result in better depth curing?
Dr. Jacinta Santos, Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry, Schulich School of Dentistry at Western University, provided a quick initial response
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Findings of the Dental Economics/Levin Group 7th Annual Practice Research Report
The Dental Economics Magazine has recently published the findings of its 7th annual Practice Research Report. This post presents these findings.
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Evidence-based prosthodontics: What are the fundamental considerations, limitations, and guidelines?
This summary is based on the article published in the Dental Clinics of North America: Evidence-Based Prosthodontics: Fundamental Considerations, Limitations, and Guidelines (January 2014)
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Inequity in Oral Health Care for Elderly Canadians: Part 1. Oral Health Status
Drs. Chao Shu Yao and Michael MacEntee
The Canadian Health Measures Survey documented various oral health problems in elderly people, which may affect well-being and quality of life. Older patients face inequity in accessing oral health care to address these problems. This is the first in a 3-part series of articles examining oral health care for elderly Canadians.
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Health Care Professionals Invited to Share Innovations in Digital Health
Health care professionals who use digital tools to improve patient care are invited to participate in the ImagineNation e-Connect Impact Challenge, a competition that recognizes innovative solutions in digital health care.
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PubMed Pilots Open Peer Review System
PubMed, the widely used database of scientific literature on health and life sciences, is piloting a new system that allows colleagues to comment on any article indexed by PubMed. The recently launched PubMed Commons is “a forum for open and constructive criticism and discussion of scientific issues.”
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Visit our Oasis Discussions website to submit the most critical questions relating to your everyday practice. Or, call our toll-free line at 1-855-71-OASIS and leave us a message with your questions. We welcome a broad range of questions about diagnosis and treatment, techniques, materials, instruments, and devices or therapeutic agents. We encourage you to send us your questions as they arise.
Our goal is to have JCDA Expert panellists answer your questions as quickly as possible and share them through our various channels of knowledge translation.
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Disclaimer: JCDA Oasis supports clinical decisions; however, it does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. JCDA Oasis is intended to serve as a rapidly accessible, initial clinical reference resource and not as a complete reference resource. All statements of opinion and supposed fact are published on the authority of the author who submits them and do not necessarily express the views of the Canadian Dental Association. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted to JCDA Oasis. Publication of an advertisement does not necessarily imply that the Canadian Dental Association agrees with or supports the claims therein. Furthermore, CDA is not responsible for typographical errors, grammatical errors, misspelled words or syntax that is unclear, or for errors in translations. CDA's Website Privacy Policy applies to this email communication.
Canadian Dental Association, 1815 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3Y6