Technology plays such a big part in our personal and professional lives. Esthetic dentistry and esthetic results are important in dentistry especially when it comes to tooth shade selection. This article, Reliability of visual and instrumental color matching, in the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry looks at the difference between using the human eye and […]
Recently we came across an interesting article, Contemporary concepts in carious tissue removal: A review, by Dr. F. Schwendicke in the Journal of Esthetics and Restorative Dentistry. Caries removal is an important and fundamental element of the practice of dentistry. This article nicely highlights the most important factors that should be taken into consideration when treating […]
One of CDA Oasis priority topics for 2015 is communication and its role in the success of the dental practice. We are pleased to present a series of made-up scenarios related to various aspects of communication in the dental office. In the first phase of this case conference, we request that you provide your comments and feedback as […]
This question was submitted by a general dentist: Do you have any suggestions for managing Parkinson’s disease in a clinical setting to enable a safe hygiene and restorative outcome. I have a patient with advancing motor and swallowing/breathing difficulties that is not manageable for the hygienist presently. Restorative procedures would be equally impossible. Dr. Alison Dougall from IADH and Dr. […]
This question was submitted by a general dentist: Is there a treatment option for bruxism in children (primary and mixed dentition)? I realize that any fabricated appliance may have issues with both long term stability (mouth is changing rapidly) as well as compliance. Dr. Michael Casas provided this quick initial response. Dr. Michael Casas is Associate Professor in […]
This question was submitted by a general dentist: Are more conservative root canal preparations and smaller tapered files better in preserving tooth structure during endo? The trend seems to be shifting from large tapers( occlusally, plus large size files(30, 35) in order to facilitate access of irrigants and flushing into the depths back to keeping the canals […]