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Using Connective Tissue Graft in the Management of Implant Complications

CDA Oasis February 10, 2025

Making a Difference with the Build Your Smile Dental Foundation

CDA Oasis February 3, 2025

August 20, 2013   

This bulletin updates you on the 3 components of JCDA Oasis

Oasis Help

Oasis Discussions

www.jcda.ca & www.jcdaf.ca



We are pleased to introduce a series of posts on Oasis Discussions by Dr. Sayed Mirbod, representing the Canadian Academy of Periodontology. Dr. Mirbod provided an initial response to questions submitted by general dentists.

If you have any questions about periodontology, send them to oasisdiscussions@cda-adc.ca or call us toll-free at 1-855-716-2747




Dr. Sayed Mirbod, representing the Canadian Academy of Periodontology, provided quick initial responses to the following questions:

What are the clinical differences between gingivitis and periodontitis?

What are the main components of a comprehensive periodontal examination?

What is the significance of periodontal-probing depth measurement?

What is the significance of bleeding on probing?

Why are furcation areas important and how can they be treated?


Opening the Conversation: What is the recommended protocol for remineralizing incipient cervical carious lesions using Recaldent (MI paste)?

A dentist provided an initial response to open the conversation about this question submitted by a general dentist.

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Get involved with Oasis Help! We invite individuals and groups of general dentists, dental specialists, physicians and pharmacists, to join our project as authors, reviewers, and content and translation advisors. Email us at oasishelp@cda-adc.ca



Letter: Dentistry Needs to Address the Cost of Care

"Dr. Peter Doig’s column titled Developing a National Oral Health Strategy was certainly good news. However, unless there’s been astounding new developments in funding availability or a new attitude has emerged among the different levels of government towards accepting oral health as an integral part of general health, the whole exercise is destined to lead precisely nowhere."

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CDA and CIHR Partner to Promote Health Equity for Aboriginal Canadians

CDA is partnering with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to address a shared goal of improving the oral health of First Nations, Inuit and Métis (Aboriginal) peoples. Addressing inequalities in oral health status between Aboriginal peoples and other Canadians is an important focus of CDA’s advocacy work and a key challenge addressed in the CIHR initiative, Pathways to Health Equity for Aboriginal Peoples.

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Studying Abroad, Practising in Canada

Practising in Canada after studying abroad has become easier in recent years thanks to reciprocal agreements ratified by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC) and the accreditation bodies from other countries.

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Visit our Oasis Discussions website to submit the most critical questions relating to your everyday practice. Or, call our toll-free line at 1-855-71-OASIS and leave us a message with your question. We welcome a broad range of questions about diagnosis and treatment, in relation to techniques, materials, instruments, and devices or therapeutic agents. We encourage you to send us your questions as they arise.

Our goal is to have JCDA Expert panellists answer your questions as quickly as possible and share them through our various channels of knowledge translation.

You can help: Please send us the most common restorative emergency scenarios to which you need answers at oasisdiscussions@cda-adc.ca 


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Disclaimer: JCDA Oasis supports clinical decisions; however, it does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. JCDA Oasis is intended to serve as a rapidly accessible, initial clinical reference resource and not as a complete reference resource. All statements of opinion and supposed fact are published on the authority of the author who submits them and do not necessarily express the views of the Canadian Dental Association. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted to JCDA Oasis. Publication of an advertisement does not necessarily imply that the Canadian Dental Association agrees with or supports the claims therein. Furthermore, CDA is not responsible for typographical errors, grammatical errors, misspelled words or syntax that is unclear, or for errors in translations. CDA’s Website Privacy Policy applies to this email communication.

Canadian Dental Association, 1815 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3Y6