Oasis Discussions

Oral Inflammatory Load and the Prediction of Vascular Function in Young Adults

Research and development concept. Double exposure image of scientific and medical lab instrument, microscope, test tube and glass flask for microbiology and chemistry in laboratory for medicine study.

The connection between periodontitis and the increased risk of cardiovascular disease is well established. However, the impact of mild oral inflammation, including levels experienced by many healthy individuals, is less clear.

In this video discussion, Ker-Yung Hong, a dental student at Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, discusses his recently published pilot study on oral inflammatory load and the prediction of vascular function in a young adult population.

The study was conducted in conjunction with Dr. Trevor King, a cardiovascular disease and health expert at Mount Royal University, and Dr. Michael Glogauer, a periodontist and faculty member at the University of Toronto.

“Most of the studies in the past have looked at more severe forms of oral inflammation. But we wanted to take a different approach. We wanted to see how mild inflammation could affect cardiovascular disease.”


Ker-Yung Hong  


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Watch the Conversation (10'27")