Oasis Discussions

Study Shows AI-Controlled Sedation Method as Safe as Manual Injections

Dentistry. Little girl getting Inhalation Sedation while teeth treatment at dental clinic. Teeth treatment child.

A recent University of Alberta study shows that the use of a target-controlled infusion (TCI) pump to administer patient sedation is just as safe, if not safer than manual injections delivered by a clinician.

In this video, Dr. Douglas Lobb, Professor at the School of Dentistry, University of Alberta, and lead investigator in the study, walks through the methodology used and explains how the use of TCI pumps leads to faster recovery times, less nausea and vomiting, and less cognitive impairment in patients.

“The safety data shows that this is in fact as safe, if not safer than our standard of care. There are important benefits to patients and important benefits to the people who provide care.” 


Dr. Douglas Lobb



Watch the Conversation (6'37")