Dr. Rob Kaufmann
Endodontist from Winnipeg
We’ve all been there – it’s a busy day and a patient calls complaining of acute pain. They’ve been up all night with suspected pulpitis. Your schedule is backed up and you don’t have time to open the tooth up. What do you do?
“It’s pretty easy to anesthetize and do the necessary endodontic procedures to relieve the patient’s symptoms. But are we really doing the patient any favors or are we simply putting out a fire? Is there a treatment plan for the rest of the mouth?”
For many general dentists, the go to option is to write a prescription, which usually includes an analgesic and an antibiotic. Something that will tide the patient over until time can be carved out on the schedule. Another possibility is to refer to an endodontist…
In this edition of CDA Oasis Live, Dr. John O’Keefe, Director of Knowledge Networks CDA, invites Dr. Rob Kaufmann, an endodontist from Winnipeg, to discuss the management of urgent pulpitis. Dr. Kaufmann discusses the key factors in maximizing success in endodontic treatment. He presents a sequence of treatment for any patient with acute involvement, and emphasizes the need for collaboration between general dentist and endodontist in establishing a treatment plan that accounts for the overall needs of the patient.
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CDA Oasis Team