Dr. Sharat Pani
Assistant Professor of Pediatric Dentistry, Schulich Dentistry, London ON
Ever since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, dental professionals everywhere have been looking to use non-aerosol generating procedures wherever possible. In pediatric dentistry, there is one well recognized non-AGP for stainless steel crowns. It’s called the Hall Technique.
“This is a valid non-AGP technique,” says Dr. Pani, “but it comes with a word of warning: the technique is dependent on your clinical judgement.”
In this edition of CDA Oasis Live, Dr. John O’Keefe invites Dr. Sharat Pani, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Dentistry at the Schulich School of Dentistry, to share his considerable insight into the technique. Citing evidence from over ten years of clinical studies, Dr. Pani compares the success rate of the Hall technique to that of traditionally placed crowns. He highlights the importance of case selection, gives valuable tips on clinical practice, and offers a word of advice to general practitioners who are considering adopting the technique.
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Until next time!
CDA Oasis Team
Hall Technique – Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses
Leaving Caries Behind
It’s this technique done with or without local anesthesia?
This was a very good presentation. I have been doing SSCs for a long time. Never heard this one!