Resource Kit: Setting Cannabis Impairment Policies in the Dental Practice.
Cannabis legalisation in Canada is well into its first year, and employers at companies and businesses large and small are updating their policies concerning impairment in the workplace. But understanding employee and employer rights and responsibilities, federal and provincial laws, and creating appropriate policies can be overwhelming. To help Canadian dentists better navigate cannabis legalisation and craft workplace impairment policies, we’ve compiled a list of resources, information, templates, and tips. These resources support employers to understand their legal requirements, how to share policy information with employees, and applying a non-judgemental approach to creating a safe workplace. Government of Canada
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Canadian Mental Health Association Human Resources
Ontario Ministry of Labour Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) Provincial and Territorial Labour Relations Boards Employer’s Duty to Accommodate Canada’s human rights laws vary among the provinces and territories but are all designed to protect people from discrimination in areas like work and include information about employer’s duty to accommodate. The duty to accommodate means that sometimes it is necessary to treat someone differently in order to prevent or reduce discrimination. CDA Oasis Resources
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