Ontario is the First Province to Require Cannabis Education for Pharmacists
Following legalization in October of 2018, interprovincial laws dictating where and how Canadians can buy cannabis products have made it difficult for recreational and medicinal consumers to get detailed, customized information about safe cannabis use. To help people better navigate the world of cannabis and educate users, the Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP) has made a cannabis education course mandatory for pharmacists across the province. With a range of products available through the Ontario Cannabis Store, brick and mortar stores opening slowly around the province, and the impending arrival of edible cannabis products, the OCP wants to position pharmacists as resource professionals to answer for questions about risk, dosage, side-effects, and drug interaction of cannabis with medications. The required course also aims to clarify pharmacists’ legal, ethical, and professional responsibilities regarding legal recreational and medicinal marijuana. About Mandatory Marijuana Courses
As cannabis products, stores, and retailers become more and more prevalent, healthcare providers can help their patients learn more by directing them to resources and people in their circle of care. Are you in Ontario? Have you let your patients know that pharmacists are being trained to answer their questions about cannabis? What cannabis education resources are you using outside of Ontario? We want to hear from you! Leave a comment about this post in the box below, send your feedback by email or call us at 1-855-716-2747. Until next time! CDA Oasis Team Additional Resources |
This marks the beginning of revolutionizing cannabis in the medical world. I cannot wait for the next months and years to come when learning cannabis professionally spread widely to the world.