Case Classification Based on Difficulty and Risk

About Dr. Rodrigo Sanches Cunha Dr. Cunha was born in Brazil. He earned his D.D.S. at the Catholic University of Campinas in 1994 and a Certificate in Endodontics in 1997 at the State University of Campinas. He earned his Masters and his Ph.D. in endodontics at the Center for Dental Research, Sao Leopoldo Mandic in Campinas. A long-time educator and researcher, he has taught at the preclinical and clinical levels at the Catholic University of Campinas for 11 years and now is an assistant professor at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Dr. Cunha has been a guest speaker at many events in Brazil and South America and has published a multitude of papers and abstracts in several Brazilian journals as well as international journals. During this Oasis discussion, Dr. Cunha explains:
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