Dr. Joel Fransen, endodontist from British Columbia, presents a case dealing with a difficult patient situation. Sometimes relationships with people, patients, don’t go as well as one would have liked. What ensues is a huge learning experience on how to prepare and handle these situations when they arise. Dr. Fransen also emphasized the importance of accurate and comprehensive documentation that stood proof for his diagnosis and treatment when needed.
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Read/download the transcript of the conversation and the case presentation (PDF)
The buccal surface of the tooth was mislabeled M instead of B.
Oasis Moment/Preview (2.19″)
Full Conversation and Case Presentation (49.02″)
Thanks for this presentation! It’s an experience many of us have faced in some form.
Goes to show you; stick to your guns. Do your professional duty. Keep good records. Consents, refusals.
AND if the patient gives signs of being a concern BEFORE you even start treatment. JUST DON’T TREAT THEM and don’t go down the rabbit hole with them!
Great advice, made that mistake before!