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News & Events News Bites

News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks – 2018/12/12

Top News

Canadian Dental Connection Website

How robots are helping doctors save lives in the Canadian North

Government of Canada launches new research fund to push beyond the frontiers of Canadian science

Discovery brings saliva test for Alzheimer’s disease one step closer

Tax Tips for Charitable Donations

Canadian Dentistry News

Canadian Dental Connection Website. dentalconnection.ca: The Canadian Dental Connection website includes a job-matching component for oral health clinics and professionals as well as training modules on cultural competency, trauma-informed care and the application of these notions in Indigenous settings. Read more

How robots are helping doctors save lives in the Canadian North. theconversation.com: This is not science fiction. This remote presence technology is currently in use in Saskatchewan, Canada — to provide care to acutely ill children living in remote Northern communities. Read more

Rick Rayman celebrates 40-year run streak. runningmagazine.ca: December 10 marked 40 years of running every day for the Toronto dentistry professor. Read more

PC government reverses ban on chocolate milk, juice sales inschools. cbc.ca: Students in New Brunswick schools will once again be able to sell chocolate milk and fruit juice afterthe provincial government made changes to its nutrition policy Wednesday. Read more

The Complex Environment of Age. dentistry.utoronto.ca: A combination of unrelated factors, most of them outside of a dentist’s control, gives rise to the “complicated, frail [oral health] environment” of elderly populations in Canada. Read more

CFI Funds to Boost Matrix Biology Research. dentistry.utoronto.ca: With the new imaging system, researchers at the Faculty will be able to examine at “unprecedented levels of resolution” the extracellular matrix degradation of periodontal fibroblasts, lung fibroblasts and osteoclasts. Read more

Inauguration d’une clinique de dentisterie sociale à l’Hôpital Notre-Dame. nouvelles.umontreal.ca: Une nouvelle clinique de dentisterie sociale ouvre à l’Hôpital Notre-Dame grâce à une collaboration avec la Faculté de médecine dentaire de l’U de M. Read more

Impressions magazine fall 2018. issuu.com: Read the fall 2018 Impressions magazine online. Read more

Grad pros student ACP award winner. dentistry.ubc.ca: Dr. Walaa Ahmed, graduate prosthodontics student, placed third in the John J. Sharry Research Competition at the American College of Prosthodontists Annual Meeting, held in Baltimore, Maryland, on November 2, 2018. Read more

Congratulations to Fall 2018 Graduates! mcgill.ca: Read more

Jamaica Mission Report. mcgill.ca: On September 22nd, 2018, twelve McGill dentistry students journeyed to Jamaica on an international humanitarian outreach mission to provide free, essential dental care to the local children and families in an underserved rural community. Read more

Putting the “special” in the Special Olympics. dal.ca: Playing host to the National Special Olympics (SO) in Antigonish, July 31-August 4, 2018, was a first for Nova Scotia. It was also a “transformative” and “life-changing” new experience for a volunteer team from Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Dentistry who were there as part of the Special Olympics Healthy Athletes program. Read more

Keeping local seniors smiling happily. New pilot program to offer dental care for seniors. winnipegfreepress.com: University of Manitoba’s Centre for Community Oral Health are running free education and dental screening clinics for seniors in St. James funded by a $10,000 grant awarded to the St. James Assiniboia 55-plus Centre this year. Read more

Alberta’s updated dental fee guide helps no one, says Calgary Urban Project Society director. calgaryjournal.ca: Even though the Alberta Dentist [Dental] Association and College released the first recommended fee guide for the province in 20 years, local community organizations, such as The Alex dental bus and CUPS say the move doesn’t do enough to help the province’s most vulnerable groups. Read more

Émission La Facture: des enfants laissés pour compte par la RAMQ. ici.radio-canada.ca: Deux mères dénoncent des lacunes importantes dans la couverture des soins dentaires par le Régime d’assurance maladie du Québec. Les problèmes de santé de leurs enfants, un cancer et une infection grave, ont laissé des conséquences sérieuses sur l’état de leur dentition. Le coût des traitements pourrait s’élever à plus de 60 000 $. Or, la RAMQ ne couvre pas ces soins, laissant les familles avec des factures qu’elles n’ont pas les moyens de payer. Visioner 9:20

Dental insurance key factor in accessing oral health care, WECHU survey shows. cbc.ca: Adults without dentalinsurance are twice as likely to experience a dental concern as their insuredcounterparts, according to a new study from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit. Read more

International Dentistry News

Action for Dental Health Act is now law. ada.org: President Donald J. Trump signed the bill Dec. 11. The final bill passed Congress Nov. 28. The ADA, which has championed the Action for Dental Health initiative since 2014, applauded the bill’s passage. Read more

ADA Publishing leadership changing hands. ada.org: Michelle Hoffman will oversee the division that produces The Journal of the American Dental Association, the ADA News and numerous digital publications. Read more

Whistleblower allegations prompt Washington State Dental Association to file complain tagainst chain. ada.org: The state dental association also alleges that the dental service organization that operates the chain of clinics is interfering in the dentist-patient relationship. Read more

New report points to lack of accessibility to dental services for elderly. ada.org.au: A new report launched by the Council on the Ageing (COTA) paints a comprehensive picture of contemporary life for Australians aged 50 and over. Read more

Business bites – five years of rapid change in the dental sector. dentistry.co.uk: Nowadays, the dental market is incredibly vibrant and attracting a new breed of purchaser. This is just one of the key changes that we’ve experienced since launching our dental brokerage service five years ago. Read more

Vaping reverses decline in tobacco use among Maine students. bangordailynews.com: For years, the use of tobacco products among middle and high school students has been on an overall decline. But the Food and Drug Administration is reporting a reverse of that trend in 2018. The reason? A sharp rise in the use of e-cigarettes. Read more

Dental therapist bill makes progress in state legislature. michiganradio.org: A bill that would create a new type of mid-level dental care professional, called “dental therapist,” cleared a House committee and was sent to the House floor. Read more

The missing piece in telemedicine? Dentistry. fiercehealthcare.com: Telemedicine has gotten plenty of chatter when it comes to specialty and mental health care, but more providers should drill down on using it for oral health care, according to a new study. Read more

Clinical & Scientific News

Government of Canada launches new research fund to push beyond the frontiers of Canadian science. canada.ca: The new funding stems from Budget 2018, which included an historic investment of nearly $4 billion for research, the largest single investment in research in Canada’s history. Read more

Lymphnode ratio may predict who lives and dies from oral cavity cancer. medicalxpress.com: Five years after diagnosis, only 40 percent of patients with locally-advanced oral cavity cancer will still be alive. The question is who is likely to live and who is likely to die. Read more

Discovery brings saliva test for Alzheimer’s disease one step closer. folio.ca: U of A researchers find biomarkers for identifying Alzheimer’s and mild cognitive impairment in saliva samples. Read more

Dentist develops new filling for root canal treatments. medicalxpress.com: Findings from a pilot study outlined the potential effectiveness of a new therapeuticgel filling for root canals that releases nitric oxide and antibiotics into the treated tooth canal. Read more

Bonding agents focus of ACE Panel Report. ada.org: Dentists can get insight on bonding agents from an ADA Clinical Evaluators, or ACE, Panel Report released in December. Read more

CDAA Weekly E-Newsbrief December 12, 2018. cdaa.ca: Read more

Mind Your Business

The rise of the internet economy and dentistry. dentistryiq.com: How can your practice survive and thrive in the face of inevitable disruption? Read more

Tax Tips for Charitable Donations. cdspi.com: Donations to any officially registered charitable organization qualify for a non-refundable tax credit. Read more

How real dentists conquer real stress. dentistryiq.com: When dentists describe their lives, they often use the same three words: stress, overwhelm, and dread. Does this sound familiar? You are not alone. Read more

Your Health & Medical News

Researchers in Australia have developed a test that could one day detect different kinds of cancer in less than 10 minutes. ctvnews.ca: The test looks at a seemingly common DNA signature for cancers — their methylation landscape, or “methylscape.” Read more

‘The product is ahead of the science’: Doctor fears future ‘epidemic’ of long-term vaping effects. cbc.ca: Dr. Chris Carlsten says there are many similarities between the past popularity of cigarettes and the current vaping trend. Read more

Pulling high-strength opioids from doctors not warranted, Health Canada says. cbc.ca: Health Canada says it is in the process of reviewing risk-management plans for high-dosage opioid treatments, which could potentially lead to the recall of some pills and patches. Read more

10 health stories that mattered this week. cmajnews.com: Read more

Oxygen promotes deep, restorative sleep, study shows. folio.ca: New research by U of A neuroscientists points to potential for oxygen therapy to treat sleep problems. Read more

Idea aims for available, affordable meds. news.westernu.ca: The solution to a widespread shortage of certain antibiotics, painkillers and anesthetics is to declare a ‘national pharmacopoeia’ an issue of national security. Read more

One in four Canadians touched by drug shortage in last 3 years. pharmacists.ca: One in four Canadians have either personally experienced or know someone who has experienced a drug shortage in the last 3 years, according to a new survey released by the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA). Read more

Rapid E. coli test ready for commercial use. robarts.ca: The kit, which detects E. coli 0157 has been translated for commercial use and is now making its way to food processing plants in North America. Read more

Continuing Education Matters

Dalhousie University – Current course offerings

McGill University – 2018-2019 – Upcoming courses

Université Laval – Formation continue

University of Manitoba – Continuing professional development

Université de Montréal – Formation dentaire continue

University of Alberta – Program and courses

University of British Columbia – Calendar of courses

University of Saskatchewan – Continuing professional dental education

University of Toronto – Continuing dental education

Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry University – Continuing professional development

January 31, February 2, 2019: Yankee Dental Congress in Boston, Massachusetts. Read more

January 25-26, 2019: Manitoba Dental Association Annual Meeting & Convention, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Read more

February 21-23, 2019: Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting, in Chicago, Il. Read more

March 7-9, 2019: Pacific Dental Conference, in Vancouver, British Columbia. Read more

March 12-16, 2019: 38th  International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne, Germany. Read more

March 13-19, 2019: Academy of Osseointegration 2019 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. Read more

April 10-13, 2019: American Association of Endodontists Annual Meeting, in Montreal, Quebec. Read more

April 10-15, 2019: Seminar: Everyday Esthetics with Direct and Indirect Approaches (Hands-On). The College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan is organizing a hand-on seminar that will coincide with the Coachella Music Festival from April 10–15, 2019. The seminar will discuss what matters most in dental esthetics, using a six-point checklist of things to consider with every smileRead more and PDF Poster

May 1-4, 2019: 38th Australian Dental Congress in Adelaide, Australia. Read more

May 9-11, 2019: Ontario Dental Association Annual Spring Meeting, Toronto, Ontario. Read more

May 21–25, 2019: Alberta Dental Association and College Annual Congress in Calgary, Alberta. Save the date

May 24–28, 2019: Journées dentaires internationales du Québec, in Montréal, Québec.Save the date

June 19–22, 2019: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition in Vancouver, British Columbia. Save the date

September 6-9, 2019: American Dental Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. Read more

September 12–14,2019: College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan + Canadian Dental Association Joint Convention, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Read more

Please let us know about upcoming continuing education meetings that could be of interest to Canadian dentists by emailing us at oasisdiscussions@cda-adc.ca

Dental Industry News

How VR is helping flyers and dental patients calm down. cnn.com: Bryan Laskin, a dentist and founder of Operability, the start-up behind OperaVR, said it’s used both by anxious patients and people who want to avoid the social awkwardness of having someone a few inches from their face. Read more

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