News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks – 2018/06/07

Top News
Carlton Place Dentist is the New President of the Ontario Dental Association
Ottawa should beware the unintended consequences of taxing workplace health plans
Baby teeth give clues to autism’s origins, detection
Desire for sugar eliminated in mice by rewiring brains
How Ransomware and Data Theft will Change the Face of Dentistry
Canadian dentistry news
Statement by Minister Philpott on Settlement Agreement Reached related to Orthodontic Coverage under the Non-Insured Health Benefits Program. Through the NIHB Program, Indigenous Services Canada provides 100% coverage for orthodontic treatment when determined to be medically necessary. Officials from my Department have reviewed Ms. Shiner’s concerns and will be implementing a number of revisions to the Non-Insured Health Benefits Orthodontic Policy by June 15, 2018 for the purpose of increasing access for First Nations and Inuit children. Read more
Déclaration de la ministre Philpott concernant la conclusion d’un accord de règlement sur les soins d’orthodontie dans le cadre du Programme des services de santé non assurés. Par l’entremise du PSSNA, Services aux Autochtones Canada offre une protection totale relativement aux traitements d’orthodontie lorsque ces derniers sont nécessaires d’un point de vue médical. Les fonctionnaires de mon ministère ont examiné les préoccupations de Mme Shiner et apporteront de nombreuses révisions à la politique orthodontique du PSSNA d’ici au 15 juin 2018 afin d’accroître l’accès à ces soins pour les enfants des Premières Nations et les enfants inuits. Lire plus
Carlton Place Dentist is the New President of the Ontario Dental Association. As a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces, it should come as no surprise that Dr. David Stevenson takes the helm as president of the Ontario Dental Association (ODA) with a precision game plan to improve government-funded dental care programs. Read more
State-Of-The-Art Geriatric Dental Centre Now Part of Baycrest Campus. Among these spaces is the new Alpha Omega Dental Centre for Geriatric Care, a dental centre dedicated to the treatment of geriatric patients in the community who have complex medically conditions, physical challenges and cognitive difficulties such as Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Read more
CDAA Weekly E-Newsbrief June 6, 2018. Read more
Meeting review: 2018 Journées Dentaires Internationales du Quebec (JDIQ) in Montreal. There were plenty of lectures, with a packed educational agenda. In the exhibit hall, innovation was on display. Read more
Minister of Health announces six new appointments to the Governing Council of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Appointed to a three-year term is Dr. Paul Allison, Dean of Dentistry at McGill University. The Council members will also advise the Minister of Health on how research can strengthen Canada’s health care system and improve the effectiveness of health services and products for the benefit of all Canadians. Read more – Lire plus
Priorisons enfin l’accès aux soins d’hygiène dentaire! [OPINION] : … l’Ordre des hygiénistes dentaires du Québec demande au gouvernement et aux trois partis de l’opposition de modifier les lois du domaine dentaire afin de répondre aux besoins criants chez les aînés, les enfants et les populations les plus vulnérables. Lire plus
Lindsay oral surgeon defends practice after patients warned to get tested for hepatitis, HIV. In a statement on Wednesday, Dr. Eric Orpana, who has 43 years of surgical and anesthesia experience, says he’s “overwhelmed by all of this. I would like to assure our patients that the Lakeland Clinic has always had a vigorous cleaning and sterilization protocol in place.” Read more
Cutting off workers from benefits at 65 unconstitutional, human rights tribunal rules. Cutting workers off health, dental, and life insurance benefits when they turn 65 is unconstitutional, the province’s human rights tribunal has ruled in a significant case that could spark legislative changes and prompt employers to make their benefit plans more equitable. Read more
As politicians promise to tax the rich, the wealthy need to plan ahead. Increasing taxes for well-off individuals sends a message that they’re not paying their fair share. Read more
Ottawa should beware the unintended consequences of taxing workplace health plans. A decision to tax health benefits would ripple through the whole tax system, affecting everything from child benefits to old age security. Read more
International dentistry news
How often should you see a dentist? Scotland’s chief dental officer has sought to reassure dentists and patients over plans to move away from regular six-monthly checkups. Read more
FDI calls for global action on oral health at the 71st World Health Assembly. As the only organization representing the oral health community at WHA71, FDI delivered statements to the Assembly on three key agenda items: preparation for the upcoming United Nations (UN) High-level meeting (HLM) on NCDs; using digital applications (mHealth) to enhance public health outcomes; and maternal, infant and young child nutrition. Read more
70,000 more toddlers to get their first dental check-up as NHS England targets childhood dental health. NHS England is calling on dentists to see an additional 70,000 pre-school children as part of a drive in the health service’s 70th year, to help young families to get into the habit of good dental health. Read more
New Arizona law limits dental therapists to tribal settings, underserved areas. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed legislation May 16 that allows dental therapists to work in tribal settings, federally qualified health centers, federal look-alike facilities, community health centers and private dental practices that contract with FQHCs. Read more
ADA makes its presence known at CVS stores, website. Initiative seeks to drive customers to ADA dentists, use ADA Seal-accepted products. Read more
In San Diego clinics, ADA president finds ‘hope’ for solution to dental care access. During his two-day visit in April to one-of-a-kind dental clinics run primarily by predental students under the direction of professionals, ADA President Joseph P. Crowley found appreciative patients and dedicated volunteers. Read more
How do you feel about your smile? Nationwide poll says three in four like what they see. Three in four Brits either like or love their smile, according to the results of a new nationwide survey. Read more
The cost of looking after your oral health: Average Brit spends £196 every year. An investigation by the Oral Health Foundation, looking at the spending power of more than 2,000 people from across the United Kingdom, finds Brits are spending an average of £16.34 on products such as toothpaste, mouthwash, interdental brushes and sugar free chewing gum each month. Read more
Oral Health Improvement Plan: High hopes, but not a penny of new investment. BDA Scotland has called on the Scottish Government to provide real clarity and detail on its Oral Health Improvement Plan (OHIP), as new survey evidence revealed deep concerns among dentists, with profound uncertainty over implementation and the absence of any new investment. Read more
Screening program aims to raise awareness of oral cancer. As part of its activities for World Head and Neck Cancer Day on 27 July this year, the Australian Dental Health Foundation (ADHF) is partnering with Throat Scope® and the Dental Hygienists Association of Australia to coordinate free oral cancer screening clinics in select Amcal pharmacies throughout Victoria. Read more
Couronnes, bridges, appareils dentaires… Les contours du “zéro reste à charge” se dévoilent. À partir de 2020, les Français pourront se faire poser une couronne, sans débourser un euro. Mais le choix des prothèses sera restreint, et il ne faudra pas dépasser un certain plafond. Lire plus
Clinical & scientific news
Research finds divide in dental health accessibility between city and regional areas. A University of Western Australia study has found that although the number of dentists in rural and remote areas increased in recent years, it is still not keeping apace with the growth in demand and there is still a divide between access to dental treatment in cities compared to regional areas. Read more
Using focus groups to design systems science models that promote oral health equity. The aim of this study was to use a systematic approach to explicate cause and effect relationships in creating a causal map, a type of concept map in which the links between nodes represent causality or influence. Read more
Pulp treatment for extensive decay in primary teeth. How effective are different options for treating extensive tooth decay in children’s primary teeth to resolve the child’s symptoms and tooth signs? Read more
Baby teeth give clues to autism’s origins, detection. The research suggests that the way infants metabolize two nutrients—zinc and copper—may predict who will develop the condition. Read more
A sweet tooth can be taxing. A tax on sweetened drinks would save $666 million in oral health costs over a decade, a study by The University of Queensland has found. Read more
Scientists develop material that could regenerate dental enamel. Researchers at Queen Mary University of London have developed a new way to grow mineralised materials which could regenerate hard tissues such as dental enamel and bone. Read more
The Role of the Dentist in Recognizing Orbital and Ocular Trauma. Described here are cases of orbital trauma referred to, and managed by, the Oral and Maxillofacial (OMF) Surgery service at London Health Sciences Centre in London, Ontario, Canada. Read more
Aesthetic Crown and Bridge Restorations Using a Fully Digital Workflow. This article will explore the use of some more common digital C&B materials currently in use (Zirconia and Lithium Disilicate glass ceramic) highlighting restoration indications based on patient requirements from the authors point of view. Read more
Lingual Nerve Injury: Surgical Anatomy and Management. The purpose of this paper is to enlighten readers with regard to the anatomy of this nerve in light of potential risks, which unfortunately are not uncommon. Read more
Development of a Rare Deep Temporal Space Hematoma Secondary to Blunt Facial Trauma in a Pediatric Patient. Case Report. Read more
Wisdom Tooth Removal: 25 Years Smarter? In 1993, Dr. Tim Sands, Dr. Bruce Pynn wrote an editorial for Oral Health entitled “Wisdom Teeth: To Extract or Not?” and their accompanying two-part review on the current concepts and controversies involving third molar surgery. […] In honour of the silver anniversary, they thought to ask if wisdom tooth surgery has changed over the last 25 years? Read more
Gap in Dentists Performing Health Assessments Caused By… Oral Health Group recently conducted a survey, with nearly 400 Canadian dentists, asking questions pertaining to health assessments and a dentist’s role as a healthcare provider. Read more
More research is needed on the best techniques and materials for making dentures. A systematic review to evaluate which technique and material should be used for the final impression when making complete and partial removable dentures, to increase the quality of the denture, and improve oral health-related quality of life for the individual. Read more
Desire for sugar eliminated in mice by rewiring brains. Researchers identified two specific regions in the brain which respond to sweet and bitter tastes – and altered those responses. Read more
Mind your business
How Ransomware and Data Theft will Change the Face of Dentistry. If you have never heard of the Wannacry virus, it’s a story you need to know. Read more
Dental Record Keeping 101. Recording accurate patient information is essential to the practice of dentistry and fundamental to the delivery of quality patient care. […] What should the dental record contain? Read more
Patient information
Mouth Patrol. In every video, Toothie motivates children to play an active role in their own oral care and ensures that good oral hygiene is practiced across the different age groups. 10 episodes now available. Watch and share these short videos
How to treat a loose tooth in adults. A loose tooth in a child often signals an exciting rite of passage. Once a person reaches adolescence, however, a loose tooth is no longer a normal occurrence. Read more
Hearing-impaired patients: Are dental professionals listening? ‘If a patient wishes to remove their aids, have an office protocol. Something as simple as a denture cup will serve the purpose.’ Read more
Your health & medical news
Heart attack prevent: Doing this twice a day reduces risk of potential medical emergency. The NHS says that brushing your teeth twice a day can help reduce your risk. Read more
Government of Canada marks World No Tobacco Day with launch of Canada’s Tobacco Strategy. New approach, including legislation and increased funding, will lead to fewer deaths from tobacco use. Read more – Lire plus
The Minister of Health speaks at the Canadian Public Health Association’s Tobacco Control Forum. – La ministre de la Santé prend la parole au Forum sur la lutte antitabac de l’Association canadienne de santé publique. The Honorable Petitpas Taylor announces the launch of Canada’s Tobacco Strategy. Watch (9:16)
Guidelines call for Canadians born between 1945 and 1975 to get hepatitis C screening. More than 250,000 Canadians are believed to be infected with hepatitis C, but 40 per cent to 70 per cent are unaware they harbour the blood-borne virus because it can take decades before symptoms become evident. Read more
Take Control of Your Dental Day With One Simple Routine. It starts off with not sleeping with your phone! Swap it for an alarm clock. Read more
Uber enters medicine but disrupting health care may prove difficult. Uber Health is working with doctors and hospitals in the United States to provide patients with rides to medical appointments. Read more
WHO launches Global Action Plan on Physical Activity. The action plan shows how countries can reduce physical inactivity in adults and adolescents by 15% by 2030. Read more
FDA takes action against 53 websites marketing unapproved opioids as part of a comprehensive effort to target illegal online sales. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced that it has warned nine online networks, operating a total of 53 websites, that they must stop illegally marketing potentially dangerous, unapproved and misbranded versions of opioid medications, including tramadol and oxycodone. Read more
UN health agency backs away from call to tax sugary drinks. The World Health Organization is backing away from its own call two years ago for taxing sugary drinks, in a new report that some experts slammed as being “conspicuously limp.” Read more
Fragile antibiotic supply leads to shortages worldwide. Shortages of some life-saving antibiotics are putting growing numbers of patients at risk and fuelling the evolution of “superbugs” that do not respond to modern medicines, according to a new report. Read more
‘Step up soon’ on underage vaping, FDA chief tells tobacco companies. Tobacco companies need to step up efforts to stop kids from vaping… The comments are the latest in a series of FDA efforts to crack down on companies that are producing e-cigarettes and selling them to minors. Read more
Doctors can pay to hide negative reviews on websites like Should we use them? You can gain some useful insights into doctors by checking them out online. But you need to be aware that such rating systems have limitations. Read more
New questions about old Canadian study foreshadowing opioid crisis. More than 20 years ago, a team of Vancouver doctors discovered disturbing signs of a future opioid crisis — research that was noticed at the time by U.S. officials from Purdue Pharma, the company that made OxyContin. Read more
Cannabis entrepreneurs set sights on non-smokers. Cocktails, beer, coffee and tea are in the works. None will create the notorious stench or clouds of smoke associated with marijuana and they will offer non-smokers more choices, beyond the edible cannabis products already on the market. Read more
Continuing education matters
Dalhousie University – Current course offerings
McGill University – Winter 2017 continuing education – upcoming courses
Université Laval – Formation continue
University of Manitoba – Continuing professional development
Université de Montréal – Formation dentaire continue
University of Alberta – Program and courses
University of British Columbia – Calendar of courses
University of Saskatchewan – Continuing professional dental education
University of Toronto – Continuing dental education
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry University – Continuing professional development
June 20-23 – Annual Meeting of the American Dental Society of Europe, in Biarritz, France. Read more
August 22-25 – CDA Convention, hosted by the Dental Association of PEI. Save the date
August 31-September 2 – 24th International Association for Disability and Oral Health Congress, in Dubai, UAE. Registration now open
September 5-8, – FDI World Dental Congress, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Read more
September 6-8 – 2017 Saskatchewan Oral Health Conference, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Save the dates
September 27-29: 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics, in Montreal, Quebec. Save the date
October 18-22 – ADA 2018 America’s Dental Meeting, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Save the date
November 25-28 – Greater NY Dental Meeting 2018, in New York, NY. Read more
Please let us know about upcoming continuing education meetings that could be of interest to Canadian dentists by emailing us at
Dental industry news
Oral Science Launches X-PUR CariØ 25% Xylitol Toothpaste at JDIQ 2018. During the latest Journées Dentaires in Montreal, Oral Science presented for the 1st time X-PUR CariØ, a 25% Xylitol toothpaste with a formulation scientifically proven to reduce cariogenic bacteria and lesions. Read more
Henry Schein Announces Two New Directors. Former Staples CEO Shira Goodman and Harvard CIO Anne Margulies Elected at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to Succeed Directors Donald J. Kabat and Lawrence S. Bacow. Read more
Ribbon cutting ceremony officially opens new Dentsply Sirona Academy, Charlotte. The innovative, centrally-located facility offers dental professionals a broad range of opportunities to learn through unique trainings, seminars, certifications and hands-on experiences. Read more
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