News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks – 2018/03/21

Top News
B.C. to increase dental surgeries in bid to improve access to vulnerable patients
Andrea Horwath unveils $1.2B public dental plan
New grant program spurs international volunteerism
Opioid prescriptions in England nearly doubled in 10 years – report
Report on opioid prescribing by Ontario dentists
Canadian dentistry news
Ontario Liberals to expand OHIP+ program to seniors. The question of dental coverage is the subject of Benefits Canada’s weekly online poll. Should dental services be part of public health-care coverage? Read more
B.C. to increase dental surgeries in bid to improve access to vulnerable patients. The B.C. government plans to increase the number of dental surgeries done in the province by 15 per cent this year, as part of a strategy to improve access to dental care for vulnerable patients including disabled children and adults. Read more
More people to have quicker access to dental surgery in B.C. Hospitals in B.C. will perform 900 more dental surgeries in the coming year to improve access to care for vulnerable children and adults, Health Minister Adrian Dix announced on Monday. […] “On behalf of B.C. dentists, thank you for improving access to care for children and adults with disabilities,” said Jocelyn Johnston, Executive Director of the BC Dental Association. Read more
Andrea Horwath unveils $1.2B public dental plan. The plan would be free for anyone earning less than $30,000 a year, helping 4.5 million Ontarians who don’t have workplace dental benefits. Read more
Andrea Horwath promet une assurance dentaire aux Ontariens si le NPD gagne en juin. La chef du Nouveau Parti démocratique (NPD) de l’Ontario, Andrea Horwath, a annoncé lors d’un rassemblement à Toronto samedi, que si elle devient première ministre de l’Ontario en juin, tous les Ontariens auront notamment droit à une assurance dentaire. […] Andrea Horwath a également promis une assurance médicaments étendue à toute la population de la province et plus de financement pour les hôpitaux et les soins aux aînés. Lire plus
Ontario NDP pitch $575 million mandatory dental care plan. Private-sector employers will be expected to pony-up the cash as part of the Ontario NDP’s pitch to give everyone basic dental care. The party announced the plan on Saturday but only explained how the plan for universal dental care would work in practice on Monday. Read more
Ontario Liberals deliver throne speech at Queen’s Park. Queen’s Park Bureau Chief Alan Carter has more on what this means for the Ontario election, including a portion of the Ontario Dental Association’s statement in response to the proposed dental care plan. Listen 5:31 (Dental Care/ODA starts at 3:10)
Fibrosis Research at the Faculty of Dentistry Receives Major Funding Boost. The Faculty of Dentistry was awarded ~$10 million in research funds from the CFI Innovation Fund and Ontario Research Fund. The award – largest in the Faculty’s history – will create Canada’s first comprehensive state-of-the-art research hub: “The Fibrosis Network”. Read more
Faculty of Dentistry Sends Largest Ever Team To Uganda. Over the course of two weeks, this team had the privilege of providing treatment to approximately 9,000 patients across their dental, medical, nursing, public health, obstetric and ophthalmologic program. Read more
Alumni Builder Awards. Several UBC Dentistry alumni have been awarded the Alumni Builder Award, which was created to commemorate the 100th year of alumni UBC. Read more
BCDA award recipients 2018. The British Columbia Dental Association honoured many individuals at their annual Toothfairy Gala in Vancouver on March 10, 2018. Read more
College of Dental Surgeons of BC awards 2018. UBC Dentistry salutes all the award winners. Read more
Dalhousie program works to attract Indigenous students to health professions. While most teens cringe at the thought of spending March Break at school, Amber Simon is perfectly happy at Dalhousie University this week, drilling plastic teeth and treating “patients” in the dentistry program. Read more
Full service dental clinic proposed for university campus in P.A. The college of dentistry at the University of Saskatchewan has proposed a seven-chair full service learning clinic for the new P.A. campus. The campus on Central Avenue is set to open late 2020. Read more
CDAA Weekly E-Newsbrief March 21, 2018. Read more
Manuvie déploiera Vitalité à plus grande échelle. Le programme Vitalité connait un tel succès que Manuvie l’intègrera dans tous ses produits d’assurance temporaire. […] Vitalité récompense les assurés qui adoptent un mode de vie sain en leur permettant d’amasser des points grâce à des activités santé : exercice physique, examen médical, vaccin contre la grippe et plusieurs autres. Ils peuvent utiliser leurs points, mesurés avec une montre Garmin offerte d’office en ce qui touche les activités physiques, pour réduire le cout de leur assurance vie. Lire plus
People pulling their own teeth highlights dental issues, says Mission. People in Windsor-Essex without dental coverage are so desperate, some of them are pulling their own teeth, according to Ron Dunn of the Downtown Mission. See attached or Read more
International dentistry news
New grant program spurs international volunteerism. The ADA Foundation is launching a new grant program for international dental volunteer projects, designed to support established U.S.-based nonprofit organizations that are working to improve access to oral health care in underserved communities outside the U.S. The application period opens March 20, and the deadline for submissions is May 1. Read more
Our dental care system is stuck: And here is what to do about it. What would it really take to increase dental care utilization and improve oral health outcomes among Americans? JADA guest editorial by ADA Health Policy Institute Vice President Marko Vujicic. Read more
ACE Panel Report offers insight into dental techniques, products. A report from the revamped ADA Clinical Evaluators Panel was released in March and features insight for dental professionals on the topic of posterior composite restorations. Read more
Medicare Doesn’t Equal Dental Care. That Can Be a Big Problem. Oral health cannot properly be considered apart from the health of the rest of the body. Many people view Medicare as the gold standard of United States health coverage, and any attempt to cut it incurs the wrath of older Americans, a politically powerful group. Read more
FDI global survey shows children are not getting dental check-ups early enough. On the occasion of World Oral Health Day, FDI World Dental Federation asked parents around the world how they cared for their children’s oral health growing up and the responses suggest room for improvement. […] A survey carried out in 10 countries found that only 13% of parents with children aged 18 and under took their child to the dentist before their first birthday. Read more
Rise in childhood tooth decay sparks call to reintroduce fluoride to all of Taranaki. A dentist is calling for fluoride to be reintroduced to the local water supply after a rise in the number of young people needing hospital treatment for problems with their teeth. But critics say dental decay has not increased in the district at all since fluoride was taken out of the supply in 2011. Read more
US regulators renew scrutiny of menthol, tobacco flavours. Federal health officials are taking a closer look at flavours in tobacco products that appeal to young people, particularly menthol-flavoured cigarettes, which have escaped regulation despite nearly a decade of government scrutiny. Read more
Chris Rochester: Therapists can boost dental care in Wisconsin. [OPINION]: Dental health is about much more than a bright white smile, it’s a critical part of maintaining your health and well-being. Unfortunately, there is a serious shortage of dental providers in Wisconsin that impacts the health of everyone from children in preschool to our grandparents in nursing homes. Read more
University of Maryland School of Dentistry and DrFirst Team Up to Combat Opioid Abuse Using Innovative e-Prescribing and Communications Technology. Collaboration introduces school’s dental students, clinicians and alumni to the first mobile app with PDMP query compliance built into the e-prescribing workflow. Read more
Opioid prescriptions in England nearly doubled in 10 years – report. BBC study also finds 2.3 million people have taken painkiller that was prescribed for someone else. The rise has prompted doctors to warn that people could be becoming addicted in greater numbers to opioids such as morphine. Read more
Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on pivotal public health step to dramatically reduce smoking rates by lowering nicotine in combustible cigarettes to minimally or non-addictive levels. As part of our comprehensive plan on tobacco and nicotine regulation announced last summer, we’re issuing an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) to explore a product standard to lower nicotine in cigarettes to minimally or non-addictive levels. Read more
Dentist delivers DNA designed dentures. A Colorado dentist has come up with a solution for uncomfortable and unnatural looking dentures. He’s using parts of ‘you’ to recreate the piece that’s missing. These dentures are getting to the root of who you are, that’s because they’re designed from your DNA. Read more
Pricey dental implants often best but insurance rarely pays. Dental implants are increasingly being used to replace missing or failing teeth instead of dentures or bridges, which can be uncomfortable and hasten further deterioration. But implants can be very expensive and rarely are covered by insurance. Read more
Clinical & scientific news
Report on opioid prescribing by Ontario dentists. Read more
Primary care physicians report feeling unprepared for role in prenatal oral health. A new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill suggests that primary care physicians may feel underequipped to provide adequate oral health counseling to pregnant women. Poor maternal oral health can have significant impacts on a woman’s overall health and the health of her children. Read more
Gum disease having devastating impact on general health and well-being warn dentists. A new report has revealed that the number of people affected by tooth decay and gum disease is having a widespread and devastating impact not only on patients mouths but also on their general health and wellbeing, particularly in the older population. Read more
Scientists identify genes that could inform novel therapies for EBV-related cancers. VCU Massey Cancer Center researchers have identified two genes that are responsible for governing the replication of the Epstein-Barr virus, an infection that drives the growth of several types of cancer. Read more
Your health & medical news
Self-employed people are happiest types of workers, study claims. Self-employed people experience greater levels of professional satisfaction. Read more
Large weight loss raises fragility fracture risk in type 2 diabetes. Adults with type 2 diabetes who lost at least 30% of their maximum body weight had increased risks for fragility fractures and any fracture compared with those who lost less weight, according to findings published in Diabetes Care. Read more
Smokers have an increased risk of hearing loss, study says. Smoking can negatively affect your lungs, heart and even lead to cancer. Doctors now say it can also impair your hearing, according to a new report. Read more
Slightly elevated blood sugar tied to heart and kidney problems. People who have slightly elevated blood sugar that’s not high enough for a diabetes diagnosis may still have a higher risk of heart and kidney disease than individuals with normal blood sugar, a U.S. study suggests. Read more
We need an opioid summit. It’s time for a federal summit on opioids, with a focus on fentanyl poisoning, chaired jointly by the Public Safety and Health ministers. It would signal seriousness and draw attention to a crisis that too often plays out in the shadows. Read more
WHO launches health review after microplastics found in 90% of bottled water. Researchers find levels of plastic fibres in popular bottled water brands could be twice as high as those found in tap water. Read more
Continuing education matters
Dalhousie University – Current course offerings
McGill University – Winter 2017 continuing education – upcoming courses
Université Laval – Formation continue
University of Manitoba – Continuing professional development
Université de Montréal – Formation dentaire continue
University of Alberta – Program and courses
University of British Columbia – Calendar of courses
University of Saskatchewan – Continuing professional dental education
University of Toronto – Continuing dental education
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry University – Continuing professional development
April 18-21 – American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry 2018 in Chicago, Illinois. Read more
April 26-28 – Ontario Dental Association – ASM18 Annual Spring Meeting, in Toronto, Ontario. Read more
May 17-19 – CDA (California Dental Association) Presents The Art and Science of Dentistry, in Anaheim, California. Read more
May 24-27 – Alberta Dental Association and College – Jasper Dental Congress, in Jasper, Alberta. Read more
May 25-29 – Journées dentaires internationales du Québec, in Montréal, Québec. Read more
May 31-June 2 – Newfoundland and Labrador Dental Association Oral Health Convention, in Gander, NL. Read more
June 7-9 – Academy of General Dentistry – AGD2018, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Read more
June 20-23 – Annual Meeting of the American Dental Society of Europe, in Biarritz, France. Read more
August 22-25 – CDA Convention, hosted by the Dental Association of PEI. Save the date
August 31-September 2 – 24th International Association for Disability and Oral Health Congress, in Dubai, UAE. Registration now open
September 5-8, – FDI World Dental Congress, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Read more
September 6-8 – 2017 Saskatchewan Oral Health Conference, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Save the dates
September 27-29: 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics, in Montreal, Quebec. Save the date
October 18-22 – ADA 2018 America’s Dental Meeting, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Save the date
November 25-28 – Greater NY Dental Meeting 2018, in New York, NY. Read more
Please let us know about upcoming continuing education meetings that could be of interest to Canadian dentists by emailing us at
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