News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks – 2018/03/14

Top News
As overdose deaths rise, dentists learn to watch for signs of drug use
Dentists can identify eating disorders
Updated version of ADA’s premier resource on fluoridation available
The Forsyth Institute expands key human microbiome database
University of Regina researchers developing automated pain detection system
Canadian dentistry news
As overdose deaths rise, dentists learn to watch for signs of drug use. Drug overdoses was one of the hot topics at dental conference in Vancouver last week, where hundreds of dentists learned about the potentially lethal combination of prescribed and illicit drugs. Read more
Le fentanyl s’invite chez le dentiste. Dans la foulée de la crise des surdoses d’opioïdes, des dentistes reçoivent une formation sur le fentanyl, ses effets et sa détection chez les patients à Vancouver. Lire plus
Do we need a rights-based approach to dental care? Across Canada, provincial governments offer some form of publicly funded oral care for particular groups of people, but the patchwork of services offered doesn’t meet the needs of those seeking care, and leaves out significant numbers of people who don’t qualify for the programs and don’t have employer-provided benefits. Read More
Des Albertains qui refusent de se faire vacciner. Le taux de vaccination en Alberta est parmi les plus bas du pays. Si la province comme Ottawa tentent de corriger le tir en expliquant l’importance de l’immunisation, certains Albertains défendent tout de même leur droit de s’y opposer. Lire plus
Professionnels de la santé: des préfets de discipline trop cléments. Un dentiste multirécidiviste est condamné à une sanction « inadéquate » parce qu’elle est « trop indulgente ». Un médecin négligent négocie avec le syndic de son ordre une peine jugée préoccupante. Malgré les promesses de durcissement, la clémence des préfets de discipline de plusieurs ordres professionnels du domaine de la santé a été durement critiquée par la justice au cours des dernières années après des négociations où l’intimé s’en est sorti trop facilement. Lire plus
CDSBC Board Welcomes Announcement by Minister of Health. The Board of the College of Dental Surgeons of BC welcomes the appointment of five new public members by the Minister of Health as announced on 8 March 2018. Read more
College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia tried to sweep sexually inappropriate comments ‘under the rug’, report finds. The College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia “poorly” handled allegations of sexually inappropriate comments made by its chief executive, “intended to mislead” and attempted to “sweep this serious matter under the rug,” an internal investigation has found. Read more
CDAA Weekly E-Newsbrief March 14, 2018. Read more
International dentistry news
Happy World Oral Health Day, celebrate on 20 March and be part of the global movement! It’s almost time to ‘Say Ahh’ and tell the world to ‘Think Mouth, Think Health’. Don’t miss a chance to celebrate World Oral Health Day (WOHD) this 20 March. Read more | Watch the Oasis Discussions Video Feature
CDC identifies a mystery cluster of deaths among dentists. 8: A cluster of cases of a progressive lung disease occurred among dentists and other dental workers treated at one Virginia care center, according to Thursday’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read more
Morts en série chez les dentistes. Aux États-Unis, un nombre anormalement élevé de maladies pulmonaires mortelles a été constaté au sein de la corporation. Des résultats pas si surprenants selon les spécialistes de la profession. Lire plus
Updated version of ADA’s premier resource on fluoridation available. Dental professionals who have questions about water fluoridation can turn to the updated 2018 edition of “Fluoridation Facts,” for answers. Compiled by the experts of ADA’s National Fluoridation Advisory Committee, Fluoridation Facts is the ADA’s premier resource on fluoridation. Read more
Charge increase providing cover for NHS cuts, say dentists. The BDA has branded the latest patient charge increases in England as a cover for cuts to state funding for NHS dentistry. Read more
Violences faites aux femmes : les dentistes en première ligne. Fractures de dent, lèvres ouvertes : des blessures anodines qui peuvent être autant de signes de violences conjugales auxquels les chirurgiens-dentistes sont confrontés dans leurs cabinets. Lire plus
Bill to restore Medicaid non-emergency dental coverage goes to Gov. Otter. The Idaho Senate has passed a bill to restore non-emergency dental care for Medicaid recipients. Read more
How the spending bill can save lives: End the war on vaping. [OPINION]: The Food and Drug Administration is marching down a path that could see more than 99 percent of e-cigarette products taken off the market by 2022. Across the pond, U.K. health authorities have been contemplating whether e-cigarettes should be provided on prescription by the National Health Service. Read more
Shocking differences in child tooth decay across UK laid bare – how rotten are toddlers’ teeth in your area? Government data reveals in Rotherham there are 1,143 hospital admissions because of tooth decay for every 100,000 children under the age of four. Read more
How Dental Health Workers Are Filling Gaps In Tribal Dental Disparity., [OPINION]: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Alaska Natives generally have the poorest oral health of any racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. But in tribal lands, there is an attempt to fill those gaps. Read more
Dental therapists would fill oral care gap on Rez. If you’ve ever suffered from tooth pain, you know the throbbing, aching feeling that goes all the way to your very core. When you have that kind of dental pain, you can’t get to the dentist fast enough. Now imagine that same pain in your child’s mouth. If you’re me, and you’ve raised your children on the Navajo Nation, the nearest dentist is likely 1 to 3 hours away. Read more
Massachusetts Dental Society Foundation grant to Volunteers in Medicine to expand free dental care as more, especially veterans, are without insurance. The grant will be spent on the hiring of a part-time dentist, allowing VIM to treat another 75 to 100 patients every year who are uninsured and qualify based on an annual income range. Read more
A day at the Capitol: Dental students advocate for dentistry and oral health. Students representing California dental schools traveled to Sacramento in February to meet with legislators and their staff, tour the Capitol building and learn how to advocate as part of Grassroots Advocacy Days. Read more
Clinical & scientific news
Non-smokers with oral precancerous lesions at increased risk of cancer. Precancerous lesions in the mouths of non-smokers are more likely to progress to cancer than those in smokers, new research from the University of British Columbia has found. Read more
Absence of key protein, TTP, rapidly turns young bones old. Findings could lead to improved care for aging population at higher risk for osteoporosis and periodontitis. Read more
Dentists can identify eating disorders. Dentists can play a key role in the detection of health conditions including anorexia nervosa, bulimia and Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD), according to research from King’s College London. Read more
Collaboration helped provide total jaw reconstruction for UAB professor., For Valerie Accetta, […], wear and tear from 15 years of singing, chewing and conversation caused the cartilage in her jaw to completely deteriorate. By spring of 2016, a simple task like eating a slice of pizza was impossible, as her top jaw extended inches over the bottom set of her teeth. Read more
Routine CT head exams commonly do not report dental disease. A study published online March 2 in Academic Radiology suggests that dental disease is commonly overlooked in routine CT exams, despite having the option to identify the disease on a dictation template. Read more
The Forsyth Institute expands key human microbiome database. Addition of 80 species brings Forsyth researchers one step closer to identifying the full genomic information of the aerodigestive tract microbiome. Read more
Seven Keys to Preventing More Patients from Dying from Dental Sedation. Read more
Mind your business
Are You Doing Enough to Motivate Your Team? If you don’t feel like your practice is a great place to work, it’s time to sit down with the person who sets the tone and makes everyone feel appreciated. So, get out that mirror. Because the hard truth is that as the dentist, you are responsible for making the team feel challenged, appreciated, and energized. Read more
Your health & medical news
U of R researchers developing automated pain detection system. University of Regina researchers are developing cameras to flag when non-verbal adults with dementia are in pain and a notification system to alert staff of their anguish. Read more
Smartphone device reads blood pressure anywhere. A 3-D printed smartphone device reads blood pressure anywhere and anytime and might provide a way for even the busiest people to keep an eye on their numbers, researchers reported Wednesday. Read more
Vitamin D may offer protection against cancers, study says. Experts remain split over whether it is worth taking supplements. Read more
The more opioids doctors prescribe, the more money they make. As tens of thousands of Americans die from prescription opioid overdoses each year, an exclusive analysis by CNN and researchers at Harvard University found that opioid manufacturers are paying physicians huge sums of money — and the more opioids a doctor prescribes, the more money he or she makes. Read more
After Addiction Comes Families’ Second Blow: The Crushing Cost of Rehab. Out-of-pocket expenses to save loved ones are soaring beyond what many can afford, especially when addicts go through multiple rounds of treatment. Read more
For diabetics, a high-fiber diet feeds gut microbes, lowering blood sugar. new research suggests that dietary fibers actually play a critical role in feeding the trillions of microbes that reside in our bodies, known collectively as the microbiome. And that specifically for people with type 2 diabetes, a high-fiber diet along with a favorable gut microbiome can keep patients’ blood sugar and body weight under control. Read more
Continuing education matters
Dalhousie University – Current course offerings
McGill University – Winter 2017 continuing education – upcoming courses
Université Laval – Formation continue
University of Manitoba – Continuing professional development
Université de Montréal – Formation dentaire continue
University of Alberta – Program and courses
University of British Columbia – Calendar of courses
University of Saskatchewan – Continuing professional dental education
University of Toronto – Continuing dental education
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry University – Continuing professional development
March 21-24 – 47th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the American Association of Dental Research, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Save the date
April 18-21 – American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry 2018 in Chicago, Illinois. Read more
April 26-28 – Ontario Dental Association – ASM18 Annual Spring Meeting, in Toronto, Ontario. Read more
April 26-28 – Irish Dental Association Annual Conference in Galway, Ireland. Read more
May 17-19 – CDA (California Dental Association) Presents The Art and Science of Dentistry, in Anaheim, California. Read more
May 24-27 – Alberta Dental Association and College – Jasper Dental Congress, in Jasper, Alberta. Read more
May 25-29 – Journées dentaires internationales du Québec, in Montréal, Québec. Registration now open
May 31-June 2 – Newfoundland and Labrador Dental Association Oral Health Convention, in Gander, NL. Read more
June 7-9 – Academy of General Dentistry – AGD2018, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Read more
June 20-23 – Annual Meeting of the American Dental Society of Europe, in Biarritz, France. Read more
August 22-25 – CDA Convention, hosted by the Dental Association of PEI. Save the date
August 31-September 2 – 24th International Association for Disability and Oral Health Congress, in Dubai, UAE. Registration now open
September 5-8, – FDI World Dental Congress, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Read more
September 6-8 – 2017 Saskatchewan Oral Health Conference, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Save the dates
September 27-29: 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics, in Montreal, Quebec. Save the date
October 18-22 – ADA 2018 America’s Dental Meeting, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Save the date
November 25-28 – Greater NY Dental Meeting 2018, in New York, NY. Read more
Please let us know about upcoming continuing education meetings that could be of interest to Canadian dentists by emailing us at
Dental industry news
Henry Schein Cares Global Student Outreach Program Supports Student-Led Missions To Underserved Communities Around The World. Company Donates $265K in Health Care Supplies to Support Oral Health Outreach Missions by Nine Dental School Partners. Read more
Kavo Kerr Group introduces 3 new technologies at the 2018 Chicago Midwinter Meeting. The DEXIS FS Ergo flexible digital intraoral X-ray sensor, DEX Voice, and the KaVo X Pro intraoral scanner. Filippo Imperi, VP Commerical, Imaging, gave us the details. Watch 3:08
This start-up wants to change the way you interact with your dentist, one toothbrush at a time. Quip, a Brooklyn, New York-based start-up, has spent two years selling toothbrush subscriptions. This year, it’s focusing on reaching dentists and hygienists. Goby and Kolibree are two other start-ups trying to crack into the market that’s dominated by Procter & Gamble’s Oral-B and Philips’ Sonicare. Read more
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