News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks – 2017/10/04
Top News
Liberals will change tax plan after consultations, Bill Morneau says, amid major backlash
Canadian dentistry news
Dr. Larry Levin, President of the Canadian Dental Association, testified at the Standing Committee on Finance and spoke about the new proposed taxes. Watch the video clip
Liberals will change tax plan after consultations, Bill Morneau says, amid major backlash. Finance Minister Bill Morneau says changes will be required to the Trudeau government’s contentious proposals to reform parts of the tax system. […] He says the government will respond with changes to its tax plan so that it meets its goal of making sure the system is fair and encourages investment. Morneau also says he intends to provide clarity as soon as possible for small business owners, who have expressed concerns about the potential negative impacts of the proposals and the lingering uncertainty. Read more
Réforme fiscale: les libéraux jouiraient d’un léger avantage dans l’opinion. : Un nouveau sondage laisse croire que le nombre de Canadiens appuyant les changements fiscaux proposés par le gouvernement libéral fédéral surpasse tout juste celui des opposants. Le sondage Ekos/La Presse canadienne a montré qu’en fonction de ce que les gens savent de la proposition, 49 % d’entre eux l’appuient, tandis que 44 % s’y opposent. Lire plus
Power and Politics October 3, 2017. Finance Minister Bill Morneau appeared on Power and Politics yesterday following the First Minister’s Meeting. The interview starts around the 19:55 mark. Watch interview
Taking on the tax-reform criticisms. Those who are confused by the tax-reform proposals that have hijacked the political conversation over the last two months can be excused. They are profoundly confusing. That’s in part because the Trudeau government chose to start its tax-fairness push with a particularly abstruse set of reforms, but also because of the finance minister’s tone-deaf rollout and the overblown rhetoric that came in response. Read more
Ottawa spent $110K in legal fees fighting First Nations girl over $6K dental procedure. The Cree teen, Josey Willier, had ongoing problems with her teeth that resulted in chronic aching pain in her lower gums. […] A Calgary-based orthodontist, Mark Antosz, recommended braces to avoid invasive jaw surgery in the future. Stacey Shiner, the child’s mother, sought payment for the braces under the First Nations and Inuit health benefit program, but was denied by Health Canada […]. Between January 2016 and April 2017, the government spent $110,336.51 in legal fees as part of its fight to avoid paying for the procedure. Read more
Dalhousie dental clinic for immigrants expands. Earlier this month, the free clinic got a $250,000 financial boost from Green Shield Canada, a company that works to improve access to health care for uninsured or underinsured Canadians. Read more
Truro dentist makes pitch on Dragon’s Den. Makkar has been involved with creating performance-enhancing mouthpieces since 2005 and said the opportunity to make a pitch to the CBC dragons has been on his bucket list for the past four years. Read more or Watch video clip
Alleged fake dentist now facing assault charges. Ottawa’s Omar Anwar, who was arrested in June on charges that he impersonated a dentist and forged medical school records, is now also facing several counts of assault. The criminal investigation against Anwar began after the National Dental Examining Board of Canada called Ottawa police saying someone had tried to take dental exams on May 27-28 with falsified credentials. Read more
Universal pharmacare would save Canadians $4.2B a year, Parliamentary Budget Officer says. The report, requested by the House of Commons standing committee on health, was released Thursday. It provides estimates of the cost to the federal government for a national pharmacare program based on the list of drugs publicly covered in Quebec. […] Canada is the only industrialized country with universal medicare that does not provide universal coverage for prescription medications. Read more
You can’t solve Ontario’s opioid crisis by throwing money at it. The Toronto Board of Health has joined the chorus of voices asking the Ontario government to better fight the opioid crisis. This week, the board voted unanimously to recommend the province declare the opioid crisis a provincial emergency. Read more
Time for Edmonton to revisit smoking ban, mayoral candidate says. Edmonton mayoral candidate Don Koziak says the city should revisit what he calls its “failed experiment” to ban smoking inside public spaces. See attached or Read more
‘Striking’ rate of food insecurity found in Indigenous communities, study suggests. Researchers asked 1,000 people from 11 communities in N.S., N.B. and NFLD about health, diet. Researchers say people on reserves do not have access to good quality food, so the diet suffers. There’s a high intake of saturated fats, and low intake of fruits and vegetables, dairy products and grains. Read more
As co-working catches on, benefit plans pop up to serve them. As co-working catches on, benefit plans pop up to serve them. Ashley Proctor launched COHIP, which extends health-insurance plans for those who work in collaborative spaces. At first offered only to Co-working Ontario members, COHIP later became one of the first extended health-insurance plans in Canada for those who work in collaborative spaces. Read more
Dr. Al-Waeli to represent Canada in the 2018 Hatton Competition. Congratulations to Dr. Haider Al-Waeli on placing first in the CADR-NCOHR Student Research Competition. His entry “Chronotherapy of Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) could enhance bone fracture recovery” placed first in the Senior Clinical Science category and was selected for entry in the IADR/Unilever Hatton Competition in London, England in July 2018. Read more
Is Charcoal Legit? A Derm, a Dietitian and a Dentist Weigh In. “Despite claims of its antibacterial and cleansing benefits to the mouth, there is no reputable data from clinical or lab settings or any long-term studies that suggests using charcoal to whiten teeth is either effective or safe,” says Dr. LouAnn Visconti, president of the Ontario Dental Association. Read more
L’Université Laval souligne l’engagement communautaire et international des étudiants. Pour une deuxième année, la communauté facultaire s’est réunie afin de féliciter les étudiants qui ont effectué un stage de nature communautaire et internationale au cours des derniers mois. Lire plus
CDAA Weekly E-Newsbrief October 4, 2017. Read more
International dentistry news
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons joins project to reduce opioid abuse. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons joined a research project in September with Pacira Pharmaceuticals and Aetna in a national program aimed at reducing the amount of opioids prescribed to patients undergoing third molar extractions. Read more
FDI ensures oral health community interests represented at key Minamata Convention on Mercury meetings. FDI’s supports the phase down of dental amalgam and the organization was a key player during the negotiation phase to ensure the Convention stipulated phase down and not phase out of amalgam. Read more
New FDI strategy sets the scene for my Presidency. To date, FDI has created and sustained programmes important to our members and the people in the countries we serve. We’ve united regions, and achieved financial sustainability. We’ve secured new partnerships, grown our reserves, and ensured that we have the resources we need to accomplish our goal of “leading the world to optimal oral health”. I now look forward to working with FDI Leadership, Committees, Task Teams, Working Groups Partners and Members to deliver the 2018–2021 Strategic Plan. Read more
Call for applications for FDI Smile Award ends 30 November. The FDI Smile Award is part of the Caries Prevention Partnership (CPP) and serves to promote preventive oral care at local level. The award valued at US$4,000 recognizes member National Dental Associations that are making a difference in oral health through innovative and sustainable community outreach projects in their country. Read more
ADA, others ask Congress to extend children’s coverage. In an Oct. 2 email sent to House and Senate staff, 119 health care organizations told legislators that “if Congress does not act swiftly, 9 million children are at risk of losing medical and dental coverage.” Federal funding for CHIP expired on Sept. 30. Read more
Half of dentists plan to quit the NHS within five years: Services face a crisis as thousands plan to go private, quit or move overseas. Dental services are facing a crisis as more than half of dentists plan to leave the NHS within five years, a study reveals today. It found that 58 per cent want to go private, move overseas, retire or quit the profession. Many of those who want to leave the NHS are newly qualified and under the age of 35. Read more
Massachusetts studies use of dental therapists. Minnesota’s experiment has been embraced by some other states, including Maine and Vermont, which more recently passed similar laws. Now the debate over dental therapy is playing out in Massachusetts, where — as in other states — the proposal has sparked controversy among dentists, who worry that lower-paid workers with fewer qualifications will be given too much responsibility to care for patients. Read more
Council Theater selections include convenient CE. Dentists, students and team members can learn about subjects ranging from the CDT Code to nutrition at ADA council-sponsored courses in the ADA Council Theater during ADA 2017 – America’s Dental Meeting. All of the courses, located at Booth 1305 in the Exhibit Hall, are free and offer varying levels of continuing education credit. Read more
Technology Experience is no virtual reality at ADA 2017 — it is real reality. Get hands-on demonstrations and product information led by top dental technology experts in the Cellerant Best of Class Product Showcase. Bring your own device and ask questions at the Tech Bar, learn how to create your own website at the Tinker Zone and experience virtual and augmented reality right on the show floor. Read more
ADA Oct. 26 webinar will focus on exceeding patients’ expectations. Through an upcoming webinar, Is Your Practice Exceeding Patient Expectations? How to Manage Patients for Success, participants can gain a better understanding of each person’s role in providing patients with memorable care. Read more
Community Groups Across North America Urge Increased Resource Allocation for Dental Cavities Prevention on Second Annual World Cavity-Free Future Day. October 2 marks the second annual World Cavity-Free Future Day (WCFFD), an initiative launched in 2016 by the Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future (ACFF) to address the need for greater global awareness of dental caries. Read more
Cigarette makers to publish new statements on health risks. Starting next month, major U.S. cigarette companies will publish a series of statements about the health risks of smoking. The court-ordered “corrective statements” will run on television and in newspapers as part of an agreement in a 1999 lawsuit brought by the federal government that accused cigarette makers of deceiving the public. Read more
WHO Statement on Philip Morris funded Foundation for a Smoke-Free World. Strengthening implementation of the WHO FCTC for all tobacco products remains the most effective approach to tobacco control. Policies such as tobacco taxes, graphic warning labels, comprehensive bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship, and offering help to quit tobacco use have been proven to reduce demand for tobacco products. Read more
Tool estimates impact of stricter tobacco laws. The Tobacco Control Policy tool—built by researchers at the University of Michigan and the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) lung consortium—shows that raising the minimum age nationwide could save 306,000 lives. Read more
Fluoride Warnings Issued by International Group of Dentists. October is Dental Hygiene Month, but not all dentists will be touting the alleged benefits of fluoride. In fact, the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) is using this month to raise awareness of the health risks associated with fluoride. This is especially timely because of recent news about a study linking fluoride exposure in utero with lower IQs. Read more
FDA To Require Makers of Immediate-Release Opioid Pain Medications to Develop Training for Providers. Associated Press: U.S. regulators are requiring manufacturers of the most widely prescribed painkillers to provide extensive training to doctors in an attempt to stem the ongoing opioid addiction crisis. Read more
Clinical & scientific news
American Academy Of Periodontology Publishes Proceedings From Best Evidence Consensus Meeting on Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Periodontal experts address current clinical applications of CBCT technology in patient care. Read more
Evaluation of Potentially Malignant Disorders in the Oral Cavity Clinical Practice Guideline (2017). panel of experts convened by the American Dental Association (ADA) Council on Scientific Affairs presents an evidence-based clinical practice guideline called the “Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation of Potentially Malignant Disorders in the Oral Cavity.” Read more
Microneedles can increase the effectiveness of topical anesthesia used in dentistry. Researchers from Brazil and Texas have started human testing of a new strategy to increase the effectiveness of topical anesthesia used in dentistry to reduce patient discomfort during oral injections. It involves a small device containing 57 microneedles, which, when placed on the gums, cheek or other location of the mouth, makes tiny holes through which anesthetic substances like lidocaine can penetrate into deep regions of the oral mucosa. Read more
Researchers discover biggest enzyme structure that helps bacterial infection. Researchers at the University of British Columbia, Faculty of Dentistry, and the University of Waterloo have discovered a new class of enzymes in hundreds of bacterial species, including some that cause disease in humans and animals. The discovery provides new insights into how bacteria invade their hosts. Read more
Highly virulent bacterium causes rampant caries in some children. Researchers at Umeå University in Sweden have made a novel discovery connecting highly variant types of the caries bacterium Streptococcus mutans and their adhesive function to children with rampant caries and increased risk of dental caries. Read more
Anesthesia Wand Makes Dentist Visits Less Stressful For Patients., Oct. 2: A big, scary needle is not a welcome sight at the dentist’s office, and it can cause a lot of stress at later visits. For that reason, some dentists are using the wand, especially for patients who have had a bad experience with dental anesthesia in the past. Read more
Highlighted review: Orthodontic treatment for deep bite and retroclined upper front teeth in children. Plain language summary. We carried out this Cochrane Review to find out if orthodontic treatment without the removal of permanent teeth had different effects than no orthodontic treatment or orthodontic treatment involving the removal of permanent teeth, in children with a Class II division 2 malocclusion. Read more
Mind your business
Are you asking the right questions to grow your dental practice? Dentists often believe they need more patients, so they ask how to get them. But the more appropriate questions should be about how to get the patients they already have to accept treatment. Read more
Patient information
3 Easy Demonstrations for Teaching Tooth-Healthy Habits. Why are sugary drinks bad for teeth? And what’s the best way to make sure your teeth are clean? Teach kids how to better protect their teeth with these easy (and fun!) demonstrations. Read more
Your health & medical news
Connecting the dots: Powerful research tools locate trends, improve care. As part of the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN), Canada’s first multi-disease electronic medical record surveillance system, MaPCReN offers researchers the ability to digitally extract information from patient files across the country. When you connect all the dots, patterns of disease emerge, along with trends in care delivery and prescribing. Primary Care data from clinical practices is a powerful tool that is changing the face of research, says Singer. Read more
New Map: The Most Unhealthy Countries in the World. Each country’s performance was ranked on three factors: Alcohol consumption per person, per year. Tobacco consumption per person, per year. Obesity prevalence within the population. The ranks for each country were then averaged to determine which population poses the biggest threat to their health through harmful behaviours. Read more
Continuing education matters
Dalhousie University – Current course offerings
McGill University – Winter 2017 continuing education – upcoming courses
Université Laval – Formation continue
University of Manitoba – Continuing professional development
Université de Montréal – Formation dentaire continue
University of Alberta – Program and courses
University of British Columbia – Calendar of courses
University of Saskatchewan – Continuing professional dental education
University of Toronto – Continuing dental education
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry University – Continuing professional development
October 19-23 – ADA 2017 – America’s Dental Meeting, in Atlanta, Georgia. Read more
October 21-22 – ODA New Dentist Symposium, in Toronto, Ontario. Read more
October 26-28 – International Association of Physiologic Aesthetics (IAPA) Conference, in Las Vegas, NV. Read more
November 10-12 – Carestream Dental’s 2017 Global Oral Health Summit, in Orlando, FL. Read more
November 24-29 – Greater New York Dental Meeting 2017, in New York, NY. Read more
March 21-24, 2018 – 47th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the American Association of Dental Research, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Save the date
April 18-21, 2018 – American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry 2018 in Chicago, Illinois. Read more
June 20-23, 2018 – Annual Meeting of the American Dental Society of Europe, in Biarritz, France. Read more
August 22-25, 2018 – CDA Convention, hosted by the Dental Association of PEI. Save the date
August 31-September 2, 2018. 24th International Association for Disability and Oral Health Congress, in Dubai, UAE. Read more
Please let us know about upcoming continuing education meetings that could be of interest to Canadian dentists by emailing us at
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