What Should You Look For In An IT Provider?
In an effort to help dental teams better navigate issues related to business and IT, Anne Genge returns to Oasis Discussions to give the audience some helpful information when selecting an IT person or team support your practice.
Key Messages
- Dentistry is a complex hardware and software environment with security needs as well.
- All systems must be integrated so that the day can flow easily.
- Referral sources for IT services can come from software providers.
- Qualifications for reliable providers should include the usual Microsoft certifications dealing with servers, workstations, clouds etc as well as privacy and security certifications.
- IT providers can also rely on an automated software such as SammSecure which can work in the background to ensure systems are secure and provide third party validation.
- Owners should request reports at a specified interval from IT providers to understand what is being done in the practice and avoid situations of overbilling.
Full Interview (4.49″)