How Successful are Stainless Steel Crowns as Interim Restorations for Pediatric Patients?
Adult stainless-steel crowns are used as interim restorations on young permanent teeth until a permanent restoration can be placed. However, there is little known about the longevity of these crowns. I reached out to Dr. Keri Discepolo, Assistant Professor in the Department of Craniofacial Sciences in the Division of Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Connecticut Health Center, since she had recently published an article about the topic in the International Journal of pediatric Dentistry titled: Investigation of adult stainless-steel crown longevity as an interim restoration in pediatric patients. I hope you find the interview informative and please share your feedback with us: Chiraz Guessaier, CDA Oasis Manager |
- Preformed metal crowns, also known as stainless steel crowns (SSC), are utilized for providing full coverage to young permanent teeth and have been used extensively as restorations of primary teeth for approximately 65 years.
- The purpose of the study was to evaluate permanent tooth SSC longevity as an interim restoration for teeth requiring full coverage restoration in pediatric patients.
- A retrospective chart review was performed for charts from 2006 through 2014 in a hospital-based dental clinic for permanent tooth pre-fabricated crown longevity. One hundred and fifty-five SSCs were evaluated with regard to: age of patient at restoration placement, diagnoses, and duration of crown service. Duration service was further categorized as successful or failed.
- Of 155 SSCs, 137 were considered successfully functioning. Total failures were 18. The overall combined success rate for the study group was observed to be 88% with an average service period of 45.18 months. Significant success was noted in patients less than 9 years of age, and significant failure was observed in patients 12 years and older.
- Stainless steel crowns are a viable option for interim restoration needs, with an 88% overall success rate during an average service period of 45.18 months.
Full Interview ( 5.55″)