International College of Dentists (Canadian Section) Convocation
At it’s Convocation held in Jasper, Alberta on May 28, 2016 the Canadian Section of the International College of Dentists inducted 34 new Fellows. Canadian President Ken Skinner (Winnipeg) and College at Large (International) President Phillip Dowell (England) presided over the Convocation held at the Jasper Park Lodge. The new Fellows come from British Columbia , Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Nova Scotia.
The International College is a leading honorary dental organization dedicated to the recognition of outstanding professional achievement and meritorious service and the continued progress of the profession of dentistry for the benefit of all humankind.
At the same meeting, funding was approved by the W.J. Spence-ICD Memorial Foundation to support dental humanitarian missions to Zimbabwe, the Philippines and Viet Nam. More information can be found at
Class 2016
Row 1 Harinder Dhanju, David Christie, President-Elect Ian Doyle, President Ken Skinner, Nancy Auyeung, Joseph Lizotte, Allan Cogan, Stanley Markin
Row 2 Ann Starr, Michael Sullivan, Carmine Scarpino, Dwayne Lemon, Robert McDougall, Michael Goldberg, Paul Major, Steve Saxon, Bruce Neumann
Row 3 Mel Sawyer, Elliot Gnidec, Todd Graham, Roch St. Aubin, Patricia Hunter, David Larsen, Jill Bashutski
Row 4 Cheryl Vertefeuille, Mintoo Basahti, Brad Krusky, Darrell Demchuk, Sandra Huish, Alice Jackes-Sweetnam
Row 5 Sahza Hatibovic-Kofman, Doris Lundardon
Row 6 Tina Meisami, Lesley Williams, Registrar Bob Baker, College at Large President Phillip Dowell, Frank Szojka
Posthumously – Michelle Williams