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From the Chairside: Techniques for Improved Local Anesthetic in Patients

Joonyoung Pic

This is the second in a series “From the Chairside” provided by dentists who share their thoughts and experience about a piece of technology that changed their practice for the better.

Dr. Joonyoung Ji shared his experience with a patient who was referred to huim because of the difficulty of instilling local anesthesia. Dr. Ji explains what he did with the patient when he discovered that he couldn’t put him under GA. 

We invite interested dentists to tell us on camera about one technology (it can be a material, an instrument, a device, or a system) that has really made a difference to their clinical practice. These posts are presented in the spirit of helping dentists benefit from their colleagues’ experiences and avoid wasting valuable resources when choosing or using new technologies.

Dentists can use four questions for guidance (some of which could be combined):

  • What is the “technology” you would like to talk about?
  • Why did you incorporate it in your practice?
  • How does it benefit your practice? and
  • Would you have any advice to anybody considering incorporating it themselves?

If you would like to share your experience, you can email us your video to oasisdiscussions@cda-adc.ca or directly upload it to our oasis Discussions website at this link: https://oasisdiscussions.ca/upload-your-content/




  1. Haynes Darlington May 16, 2016

    The Akinosi technique is unfortunately the least used by dentists because no bone is touched. The Gow Gates is slightly more popular but accumulatively they account for less that 10% of achieving an IANB. The Gow Gates at least has a reference point at the tip of the condyle. The patient needs to keep the mouth wide opened at least for one minute after the LA is administered over a period of 1.5 minutes. Dr. Peter Nkansah, Dip. Anaes. (U of T), hopes some day to see the contra-lateral technique replaced by the Gow Gates…(not an exact quote)

    Haynes Darlington (M. Pharm. D)

  2. Eric Granberg May 18, 2016

    Dr. June. Great to see you thriving in your practice of dentistry/anaesthesia! Thank you for the “pearls” I will use in my daily practice. I have certainly found that the anxious patient may require the extra avenues for analgesia. I have used the pre-op NSAIDs at times.

    I have found that the patient that believes they are “hard” to anesthetize can be a challenge that first appointment. However once they understand that it is possible they understandably become less fearful and subsequent appointments are much easier….it’s that initial appointment that is a challenge and may require more “modes” of analgesia.

    Regards from your fellow U of S Grad, Eric Granberg (D.M.D.)

  3. Poorvi Brahmania May 19, 2016

    Dr. Ji – Thanks for the valuable information. I will definitely try to incorporate this in those difficult cases.

  4. Vasant Ramlaggan June 4, 2016

    Thanks for the great presentation!


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