From the Chairside: The importance of Detecting Malocclusion Early

This case is presented and shared by Dr. German Ramirez-Yanez, Aurora, Ontario.
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Case Presentation
A 9-year old female patient, with a Bilateral Crossbite associated with mouth breathing when sleeping and tongue sitting on the mandible at rest.
First, the vertical dimension was raised by means of the Planas´ Direct Tracks (PDTs).
On top of the PDTs the patient wore the Myobrace I3 about 1-2 hours during day-time and when sleeping.
A treatment combining both techniques (PDTs and Myobrace) intercepted the developing malocclusion in a period of 15 months (Fig 7, 8 & 9)
This case supports early intervention when a developing malocclusion is diagnosed at an early age. It is important to note that intercepting malocclusion at an early age, reduced the patient’s risks of developing other issues, such as Temporomandibular Disorders and Obstructive Sleep Apnea as reported in the literature. In other words, by treating a developing malocclusion, we can first prevent it from worsening; second, avoid more severe treatments later, and third, reduce the risk of developing other general health issues for the young patient.
This is impressive in that this case study would be published.