CDA Oasis Conversation: Dr. Peter Bevan-Baker Green Party Member Elected to PEI Legislature

Dr. Peter Bevan-Baker spoke with Dr. Chiraz Guessaier, CDA OAsis Manager, about his recent election to the PEI legislature as a Green party member. Originally from Scotland, he is the great great grandson of George Brown, a Father of the confederation who participated in the 1864 Charlottetown conference.
Dr. Bevan-Baker moved to NFLD in 1985 where he met his wife. They moved to Brockville Ontario where he joined the Green Party in 1992 and formed the Thousand Island Greens.
He ran 5 times in Ontario at both federal and provincial level and moved to PEI in 2002. After his election as a leader of the Green party of PEI in 2012, he made history in May 2015 by winning the Green Party’s first seat in the PEI legislature – this was his 10th campaign.
Watch the interview