The masked Dentist: Give a Little, Get a Lot! Your Contribution Matters
Recently, I was invited to attend an open house to mark the opening of a new specialist dental office. It was a joyful occasion with the young specialist playing gracious host to colleagues and those who had helped to get his practice set-up. It certainly is a very impressive set-up with plenty of space for expansion on a prudent basis over time.
After engaging in conversation for a while, I peeled away from the crowd and walked around the office to have a good look at the systems in the office. When I walked into the waiting area, I was delighted to see an edition of CDA Essentials lying on a table, open to a page where there was a large photo of the owner of the new practice. My joy was compounded a few minutes later when I came across a computer terminal displaying an Oasis Discussions article that had been authored by the young specialist.
Reflecting on what I had just seen, two things came to mind for me. This young gentleman was very proud to show the world that he had contributed to the knowledge base of our profession through CDA communications channels like Oasis and Essentials. I also had a great feeling of pride, not only because of the high quality content produced by this young colleague, but also because both the Oasis Discussions site and CDA Essential magazine looked fresh, attractive and modern, very much in keeping with the decor of the new office.
I think we provide a real opportunity here at CDA for any young practitioner thinking of setting up a practice to contribute to Oasis and Essentials to create a win-win situation that we can all be proud of. In my view, the same generosity of spirit shown by our young colleague when he contributed his knowledge and insights for the betterment of the profession will be the key success factor in his inevitable success in his new practice. When enough individual professionals contribute a little, we all receive a lot.
Here in our province, a dentist would be scared to display anything that would connote superiority by displaying or referring to any publication authored by them.
On behalf of Dr. John O’Keefe,
Thank you for taking the time to leave your comment. Although we appreciate the difference in views, we would like to see more dentists bring their experiences forth, showcase their challenges and successes, and share their ideas with their colleagues. We are grateful to all our dentists who take the time to volunteer with us.
Best wishes,
John O’Keefe