Case Conference: How would you manage this case?
This case is presented by Dr. Aviv Ouanounou from the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto.
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My initial impression would be oral leukoplakia. However, that is a clinical descriptor and not a diagnostic term. Could this be drug related? Does the patient smoke? Could this be due to irritation?
I feel a biopsy would be necessary in determining a diagnosis for management. I am very interested in hearing the differential diagnosis and what was done to manage this condition.
Previous history of similar lesions?/ Skin lesions?/Smoking?
As my first impression (based on appearance and history) is that the recent 8 weeks of antibiotherapy would have caused changes in oral flora, I would first suspect fungal infection (candidiadis).
Considering that high likelyhood of fungal infection, I would first swab the lesions for culture and would prescribe anti-fungal agent (Nystatin), if lesions persist, biopsy would be indicated.