CDA Oasis Conversation: Adopting a risk-management approach to treat early childhood caries
Dr. Ian McConnachie, pediatric dentist in Ottawa, ON, spoke with Dr. John O’Keefe about the importance of preventing early childhood caries.
Key Points
- The concept of first exam by first birthday has been a standard of care in Canada for over 10 years. However, parents knowing about the standard and seeking care for their infants are unable to find dental offices willing to take on these children.
- At the same time, the early childhood epidemic, the needs for treatment under general anesthesia, and the morbidity of the disease continue to be at unacceptably high levels.
- Thirty one percent (31%) of all general anesthetics (GA) for children under the age of 6 were done for dental care. Many of these kids receive episodic care, are unable to establish a regular dental home and continue to experience further decay rates following the treatment under GA.
- The good news is that many of these children can be treated in dental offices in a positive experience and establish a good dental home.
- The significance of acting on this issue:
- Children that undergo extreme interventions at a very young age suffer from psychological impacts and attitudinal problems due to the fact that they had to deal with significant disease issues at a very young age.
- Families are frustrated by missed opportunities in finding a dental home for their infants and children.
- The profession, the leadership and the educators need to develop programs and provide opportunities for dentists to develop the required skill sets, and at the same time dentists need to feel comfortable that they can develop those skills and provide dental homes for these families and their children.
Watch the video interview
Thank you for a very informative video, I can relate to this a lot . I treate a lot of these cases under GA as they come from communities that have sporadic dental care ,unfortunately primary anterior teeth are not covered under the dental plan and it breaks my heart when I have to extract some of these teeth. Lots of times I have restored them knowing well I won’t get compensated and only the ones I feel will have trouble will I extract.