Dental Clinical Ergonomics (7): Equipment layout
We are pleased to present this video series on dental clinical ergonomics. The resource is based on the study module available from the UBC Faculty of Dentistry, Nobel Biocare Oral Health Centre. The module is directed towards dental ergonomics and promoting the health of dental clinicians with hope to assist clinicians in better assessing and understanding their needs in this area and helping those who are interested in making some changes.
Our special thanks go to the content authors Dr. Lance Rucker, DDS and Dr. Susanne Sunell, Ed.D, RDH for granting us permission to reproduce this material.
Download the PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Watch the video
Please note that you can mute the music in the video by clicking on the Sound icon at the bottom of the video.
The original content was produced as a spin-off of UBC and VCC research with grant support from the WorkSafe BC (former Workers Compensation Board of BC).