Post Retrieved: New organizational models for dental care delivery
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JCDA Oasis Team
The post has been removed. The topic area requires more investigation before we publish about it. We apologize for the inconvenience.
JCDA Oasis Team
Interesting insights. Thank-you
Look south of the border and think about why dentists south of the border are trying so hard to fight the corps – they devalue the profession, don’t care about patients, and are all about the bottom line.
And we’re looking at the googly eyed for what reason??
The end of dentistry as we know it. all you have to do is look south of the border to see how well “corporate dentistry” is working. I see the differences you point out between the 2 countries, but you are making them less and less with this type of model. A non-dentist as a co-CEO? so sad. Hmmm, how does that work in the patient-centered model? I’m sure it works well with the business-driven model. Another black mark on the profession in the eyes of the public is how I see it. I’m sure the fellas from the big corporations down south started with good intentions like this as well…you can see how well that has worked.