Take an Oasis Moment: share your clinical pearls and insights
I write to keep you informed about how our Oasis Discussions site is evolving and to invite you to consider becoming more involved with its development. Our team members will be delighted to do much of the work to help you share your clinical pearls and insights with the profession – because we know how busy you are.
One cornerstone of the Oasis initiative is that we set out to give science-based concise answers to clinical questions that come our way from dentists in practice. To provide answers to these questions, we depend on well recognized prestigious organizations (see our list of contributing organizations to which we continue to add) and other individual experts (we are constantly seeking new people to work with).
Here is a small sampling of Oasis posts that provided answers to clinical questions:
What’s the current consensus on the best cement for implant crowns?– Toronto-based prosthodontist, Dr. Joseph Fava provided this response in conjunction with general dentist, Dr. Suham Alexander, who is part of the Oasis team.
Are there any adverse effects to handling/molding unset light cured resin composites with non-latex gloves?– Western University faculty member, Dr. Stephen Ferrier provided this response, again in conjunction with Dr. Alexander.
Does Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) pose a threat for patients with embedded metal?– Dr. Ernie Lam of the University of Toronto provided this response to a question I posed to him. The question was provoked by a newspaper article.
Another cornerstone of the Oasis Discussions initiative is that we constantly seek to find new ways to engage the attention of busy, time-starved, dentists. Our first attempts to push the boundaries of knowledge translations are through audio interviews, video demonstrations, and Oasis Case Conferences.
Here is an example of “Part 1” of an Oasis Case Conference:
What’s your diagnosis of this case?– Dr. Eric Stoopler and colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania present a case and we provide an opportunity for readers to give their input about the case on an anonymous basis. It is important to note that all reader input and comments come to Oasis staff first for examination, and nothing goes live without our vetting. In a future “Part 2” post, we will present the diagnosis and rationale provided by the authors, as well as the range of diagnoses provided by readers. We believe that many different types of cases can be presented in this format.
Here are two examples of video case presentations:
Case Video Presentation: Thinking out of the ‘bracket’… Is partial orthodontic treatment acceptable? – Vancouver-based orthodontist, Dr. Asef Karim created his own YouTube video presentation about a case that he treated. Dr. Karim (and I) can testify that creating a YouTube video is a very simple process to follow (once there is good content to begin with).
As part of a post created by Dr. Alexander relating to stainless steel crowns, Dr. Ross Anderson of Dalhousie University kindly provided us with an existing Faculty-created video demonstrating the crown preparation technique.
Here are two examples of audio interviews:
Audio interview: What are the outcomes of implants and restorations placed in general dental practices? – Oasis Project Manager, Dr. Chiraz Guessaier interviews Dr. Ronald Craig of New York University about a recent article published by him and some colleagues in the Journal of the American Dental Association. Thanks to an arrangement with the publishers, we are able to provide a link to the full text of this article, free of charge for a time limited period. A number of other publishers also accord us this privilege.
Dr. Stephen Abrams speaks about modern caries management– I interviewed Toronto-based, general dentist, Dr. Stephen Abrams about his appraisal of how caries can be managed today, given the latest knowledge and new tools. Such interviews are easily recorded over the phone and subsequently edited. All our material is cleared for approval by authors and interview subjects prior to being made public.
If you think you could share clinical pearls and insights, we would love to hear from you. We look forward to working with you to share clinical management insights, techniques and research findings in new and engaging ways. Drs Alexander, Guessaier and I will do our utmost to make working with us as easy as possible. You can propose ideas to us by communicating directly with us by phone or email, and/or by uploading content directly for our consideration through the Oasis Discussions “Upload your content” section. You can find our contact details below.
Best wishes,
Love this concept and forum. Dentists at heart have a voracious appetitive for knowledge. This is like a drive thru but with high quality morsels of information.
How would you restore these teeth??? Picture uploaded -attempted!!