Oasis Discussions

Dr. Stephen Abrams speaks about modern caries management

Dr. John O’Keefe, Director of Knowledge Networks at the Canadian Dental Association, spoke with Dr. Stephen Abrams about modern caries management. 

Dr. Stephen Abrams is a general practitioner in the Toronto area and was closely involved with the development of the CANARY System for the detection of caries. 






Listen to the Audio Interview


Interview Highlights 

Science is evolving in two directions:

Managing caries lesions is different than what it used to be 5 years ago. Consideration is given to:

Engaging with patients is also different what it used to be 5 years ago:

Key factors in managing caries:

What CDA can do


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  1. Ron Kellen August 5, 2014

    There is a great need for info re OBSERVE incipients, educate re diet, OH, etc PREVENTIVELY. NOT to promptly DRILL, FILL, BILL. A real growing concern is the (corporate?)(“for profit”) dental office, often staffed with Associates, making maximum use of Dental Benefit Plans. i.e. Fill EVERY teeny incipient (NO regard for: has it been there for years, arrested? OR recent?) EVERY cervical (“sensitive”)abrasion, every incisal (“sensitive”)slight wear hollow,etc. These associates have huge university debts, and this is a great income stream for them.

    AND, when these “re-trained” Associates leave that office, raise a family, need a home, car, buy a practice ,etc.– they are most likely to CONTINUE this income stream concept.

    UNfortunately, as a dental consultant at a union benefit plan, I SEE these dental claims.

    I am DEEPLY CONCERNED about this still small but growing segment of aggressive opportunistic dental care. Is it ethical? Is it professional? Is it changing our profession towards being a retailer of product?

    I know I do not “get paid” for educating, promoting excellent OH & diet, etc. BUT I CHOOSE TO DO IT – as a professional. And then, I find that it is even more appreciated by my patients. That actually makes me more of a professional. MY raison-d’etre as a dentist is to make my patient HEALTHIER & happier (cosmetic, ortho). UNfortunately, that coincides with seeing each healthy patient for less (more health-oriented) dental care. Hopefully, this is compensated for by more patients who want that level of care. It certainly is a nicer work week with happier, more fulfilled staff & dentist.

    I STRONGLY believe that IF IT IS PROPERLY USED, the Canary could help this CURRENT UNprofessional situation from escalating. I do not know if “regulation” can improve this situation. It is a PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL CHOICE.

  2. Oasis Drafts August 9, 2014

    Dear Ron; Thanks for the support. It is imperative that our profession move towards the management of caries. Restorations do not manage or treat caries but only treat the destruction caused by caries. We need to move the profession to show the value in treatment across the entire spectrum of the disease process. Waiting for cavitation and then placing a restoration, in my opinion, is not the optimal way to treat caries.

  3. Borislav August 9, 2014

    Experts King’s College London have developed a new painless treatment method, which allows self-restoring teeth without drilling and injection. Cavities are usually removed by the dental drill, after which the cavity fills with materials such as amalgam or composite resin. The new method, called Electric accelerated and enhanced remineralization (Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralisation (EAER), accelerates the natural movement of calcium and phosphate minerals to soon reach the damaged tooth. Process, which consists of two phases, the preparation of the damaged area of ​​tooth enamel and then uses an electrical current low power to streamline minerals to the places. Scientists expect the technique to be ready for use within three years. – Not only is our device for the patient and better for your teeth, but it is expected that, In the worst case, be equally cost-effective as the current treatment methods. Besides suppressing caries, our device can be used for whitening teeth – explains Professor Nigel Pites with the Institute of Dentistry at the ‘Kings’ College.To commercialize research established the company’Remini’, headquartered in Perth (Scotland), which currently searching for private investors to finance the development EAER.


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