Audio File: What is the emergency treatment of an avulsed tooth?
This question was submitted by a general dentist: What is the emergency treatment of an avulsed tooth?
Dr. Suham Alexander interviewed Drs. Rodrigo Sanches Cunha, DDS MSc PhD FRCD(C) and Scott Leckie DMD about the treatment of the emergency scenario of avulsed tooth.
Listen to the Audio Interview
View the PowerPoint Presentation of the Avulsed Tooth Treatment
Further Resources
Flowchart: Emergency Treatment – Avulsed Teeth with Closed & Open Apices
Lars Andersson et al. International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 2. Avulsion of permanent teeth. Dent Traumatol. 2012 Apr;28(2):88-96.
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Thank you Dr. Serota!
What topical antibiotic would the authors suggest to place on an open apex re-implantation tooth? A specific antibiotic type or name was not mentioned in the interview.
If Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution is the best, can we tell the parent to make it up using a certain amount of table salt in a cup of water?
Thank you for this post.
Dear Dr. Ken Miller,
Thank you for submitting your question.
The topical Antibiotic that I would suggest is Doxycycline (Shaul L, Omri E, Zuckerman O, Imad Ael-N. Root surface conditioning in closed apex avulsed teeth: a clinical concept and case report.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009 Sep;108(3):e125-8.)
Now, for the second question, I would advise the parents to keep the tooth inside cold milk, it is easily available and has great results.
If the tooth was outside the mouth and not stored in any media for over 24 hours, should we still consider replantation of the avulsed tooth?
Dear Helen,
If a tooth is kept outside the mouth for 24 hours I do not see any indication for reimplantation of the avulsed tooth. The PDL cells are going to be dead and the prognosis is poor.
Thank you for the question!