Are you using a licensed device?
CDA and the Dental Industry Association of Canada (DIAC) remind dentists of the importance of purchasing and using licensed devices.
Protect yourselves and your patients from suppliers and products that are not compliant with Health Canada’s Medical Device Regulations by consulting Health Canada’s listings for licensed products and licensed importers/distributors/dealers.
Products are licensed in their packaging. Defaced products and packaging, repackaged products, missing or defaced labelling, missing or defaced lot numbers and expiry dates, and labeling not in English and French are indications that the products are not licensed for sale in Canada, and may in fact be counterfeit.
Please ensure that you purchase your dental supplies from companies that you know are reputable.
1. Health Canada’s Medical Devices Active Licence Listing (MDALL)
MDALL contains product-specific information on all medical devices that are currently licensed for sale in Canada, or have been licensed in the past.
Selecting Search Active Licences takes you to the Medical Devices Active Licence Search window. This window offers the capability to search the database using one of six available parameters: Company Name, Licence Name, Device Name, Company ID, Licence Number and Device Identifier. Only the products that are currently licensed for sale in Canada will be listed in the Search Active Licence window.
Selecting Search Archived Licences takes you to the Medical Devices Archive Licence Search window. This area of the system provides information on all products ever licensed by the Medical Devices Bureau with the query result colour-coded. Obsolete products are displayed in red, while currently active product are in black. This window offers limited search capability with only three parameters available: Licence Number, Device Name and Device Identifier. The most recent Manufacturer and Licence Name are displayed.
2. The Medical Device Establishment License Listing
The MDEL ‘Live Listing’ web page is designed to be a reference tool to identify Medical Device Establishment Licence (MDEL) holders.
You may search either by:
- Licence number
- Company Id
- Any combination of company name, activity, country and province/state)
Note that search strings are not case sensitive, and that you may use a partial criterion for the company name (‘medical’ will return any company name that includes this word).
3. CDA Guidance Document for Purchases of Medical Devices
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