Which CBCT unit is right for my dental office?
This series of posts is based on Dr. John O’Keefe’s conversation with Dr. David MacDonald about cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).
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Interview Highlights
Which Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) unit is right for my dental office?
Before you can decide which unit is best for your office:
- Research and understand how CBCT will enhance your patient care, including knowing its clinical indications so as to avoid unnecessary exposure.
- Get acquainted with the government, provincial, or territorial regulations that are in place regarding CBCT use.
- Be aware that CBCT involves an initial steep learning curve that may result in retakes.
CBCT is perceived as a more convenient, cheaper and lower radiation alternative to medical CT for osseo-integrated implants. It also offers a better spatial resolution (fine image detail), not just in the axial plane, but also in three-dimensions.
CBCT is applicable to activities that demand better detailed images, such as endodontics, complex un-erupted teeth and examination of potentially serious lesions, such as benign neoplasms affecting the anatomically complex maxilla.
Modern CBCT units offer the option of large fields of view, which extend well outside the jaws.
Other improvements made to the CBCT technology include reduced radiation, better software, smaller footprint and improved ease of use.
Related Posts
- What are the clinical indications for CBCT?
- What radiation dose does CBCT impart?
- What will be the likely impact of regulatory and other dental professional bodies on CBCT use?
Dr. David MacDonald
After winning his dental fellowship in Glasgow, In London Dr. MacDonald acquired his MSc in Oral Pathology, his Diploma in Dental Radiology of the Royal College of Radiologists and his law degree. His first specialist appointment was as Head of Radiology in Hong Kong, then Edinburgh, then Bergen and finally UBC in late 2003. His research interests are the radiology of the most frequent & important lesions affecting jaws and the application of systematic review to radiology. In 2008 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in Edinburgh and passed his fellowship examination of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada. His Wiley-Blackwell textbook was published in 2011; it has so far received 3 outstanding reviews. This evidence-based textbook also uniquely covered the advanced radiology not only of the face & jaws, but also the neck and the base of the skull. The dentist’s understanding of the last areas is essential in our now cone-beam CT-dominated climate.