How efficient are Toluidine Blue and Brush Biopsy in diagnosing oral lesions?
This summary is based on the article published in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology: Efficacy of Toluidine Blue and Brush Biopsy in Oral Lesions (January 2013)
Oral cancer is a global health problem and its early detection is of prime importance. In vivo stains and brush biopsy have emerged in recent years to aid as clinical diagnostic tools.
Purpose of the Study
The study assessed the efficacy and accuracy of Toluidine blue and brush biopsy in comparison to wedge biopsy in patients with oral pre-malignancies and malignant lesions.
Key Messages
The combined evaluation of Toluidine blue and brush biopsy technique is a non-invasive, painless, outpatient procedure which has high sensitivity and specificity in detecting pre-malignant and malignant lesions. This is an ideal screening tool which can minimize false negatives.
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How does one do a brush biopsy and are all medical labs equiped to process them? Sounds like a really good idea. Quick, non-invasive and definitive.