Call for Expressions of Interest: Pathways Implementation Research Teams
Pathways to Health Equity for Aboriginal Peoples (Pathways) is a CIHR Signature Initiative with an overall goal to develop a better understanding of how to design, implement and scale up population health interventions that will improve Aboriginal health in four exemplars: Suicide, Diabetes/Obesity, Tuberculosis, and Oral Health.
The objectives of the EOI phase are to:
- Inform subsequent launch timelines for the full applications per exemplar
- Aid in the establishment of potential partnerships for full competitions within each exemplar
- Assist in informing CIHR and partners on community readiness across the exemplars
The Pathways Implementation Research Teams (IRTs) Funding Opportunity supports this overall goal. To this end, CIHR is pleased to announce a call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for Component 1, 2 or 3 grants in any of the Exemplar areas.
- Component 1: team development grants will support research teams to identify promising or effective interventions and build relationships with communities;
- Component 2: enhancement and adaptation grants will support research teams aimed at strengthening the effectiveness or scalability of interventions through community-informed enhancements or adaptations, and
- Component 3: scalability grants will support research teams to study the scale-up of promising interventions across heterogeneous communities.
CIHR will be launching separate Funding Opportunities for the full competitions of IRTs in each exemplar area. The EOI application is a brief description of the intended plans of the applications, and will not be peer reviewed.
More details about the funding opportunity can be found on the CIHR website.
Important Dates
- Application Process Webinar – January 7, 2014 at 12pm EST: register for the Webinar by January 6, 2014
- Deadline for submission of EOIs – February 4, 2014
For questions about this funding opportunity, please contact Paul Belanger at