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Professional Issues Share Your Story

Fifty years a dentist and still loving every minute

Matt Taylor

Dr. John O’Keefe had the opportunity to interview Dr. Matt Taylor, of St. Catherine’s, Ontario, who recalls with great pleasure some highlights of his career in dentistry that spans 50 years (9.11 min)

Interview Highlights

  • Interest in health professions brought about the love of dentistry.
  • Dentistry is a profession that allows for a better life-work balance.  
  • Major changes in dentistry in the last 50 years: technology, digital radiography, and accessible online information. 
  • The $ sign should not be more important than giving the right treatment to the individual patient. The dentist should do what is better for the patient rather than what’s better for the dentist’s pocket.

Listen to the Interview


  1. Robert Murray November 6, 2013

    Nice to hear but the new graduates for the most part just want us out of the way so they can make creative use of the fee guide while staying within their comfort zone. I have sold my practice and when talking to other contented successful professionals the answer was always the same. They treated their clients very well and were rewarded when these better patients referred their nicer friends. These were patient or client centred practices a point that is lost on the new graduate. The practice grew when I stopped emphasizing the bottom line and did what I was supposed to do as a health care professional. The new graduate will look at that patient now as a walking ATM. The economist hired by our association is only interested in dentists with a certain glint in their eye.

  2. Dr. Adrian J. Palencar November 11, 2013

    I echo Dr. Taylor’s sentiment, I am his friend and colleague for the past 38 years. He is an epitome of professionalism and sincerity. He spent many months in missionary work in poverty stricken countries, improving their health and giving them hope. There are not too many dentists like Dr. Taylor. He always put the well being of his patients before his material interests.

  3. Tudor Iorgovan November 13, 2013

    Dr. Murray, with all due respect, I feel saddened by your stereotyping. After all, it is based on your generation’s legacy that the new generation is following suit. Whether consciously or not, today’s dental environment has been created by your contemporaries.
    You practiced dentistry in different times and I will just leave it at that…

    One should not underestimate the daily dilemma young and old dentists alike face when it comes to finances and the well being of the patients.



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