News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks – 2013/09/24
Dear colleagues, Here is a sampling of news items that came across our desks at CDA in the past week. We invite you to send us leads to news stories worth sharing that have come across your desk in the past week and we look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, John
Canadian dentistry news
Confused about how to treat patients with total joint replacement? The Canadian Dental Association position was updated this year. Read the position…
Would you fancy presenting at the 2014 Pacific Dental Conference? Consider applying to present a dental-related talk during the “Think you can speak? Series V” in Vancouver next March. Deadline for applying is October 15. Learn more…
Canadian AGD holds successful Gala event. Over 400 guests gathered in Mississauga, Ontario on September 7 for this first for the Canadian AGD. Read more…
The Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry & Prosthodontics will gather in Vancouver at the end of this week for its annual meeting. Read more…
Is dental care getting too expensive for middle-class Canadians? That may be the case, if we are to believe a recent story in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Read more on the CMAJ website…
Fancy brushing up on your Canadian dental history? If so, you will enjoy “Dental First: A Visual History” on the RCDSO website…
International dentistry news
The CDC in Atlanta has confirmed the first documented report of patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C virus associated with a dental setting in the United States. Read more on the Oklahoma State Department of Health website…
British survey of children’s oral health reveals that disease levels continue to decrease, but pockets of inequality remain. Read the highlights on the BBC website… A link to the full report is on the Public Health England website…
Bill Gates to speak at the National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research Institute on October 7. His topic will be the importance of biomedical innovation and you can watch the webcast. Learn more…
Fluoridation trends around the world. Who is putting it in and who is taking it out? Read more in the UK Guardian newspaper…
The Campaign for Dental Health is a US-based organization with a cool website devoted to the promotion of oral health through fluoridation, access to dental care and oral health education. Check it out…
Continuing education matters
Toronto-based Prosthodontic Associates will be holding their “Potpourri 2013” program, which provides answers to your everyday clinical questions, on November 1. Read more…
Proceedings of the annual symposium of the Organization for Safety, Asepsis & Prevention ( are now available online. Lots of great information on the latest thinking in the area of infection control. Learn more…
Are you interested in conducting a Cochrane Review? Consider taking this author training course at the University Of Toronto Faculty Of Dentistry this December. Deadline for registration is October 18! Learn more…
Please let us know about upcoming continuing education meetings that could be of interest to Canadian dentists by emailing us at
Clinical & scientific news
Canadian study shows that dental amalgam is a safe restorative material. University of Toronto researchers find that urinary mercury levels of Canadians are well below levels that could be considered harmful to health. Read more…
Toronto researchers find that cariogenic bacteria may degrade the composite resin– dentin interface. Read the abstract in the Journal of Dental Research…
New research suggests that gingival stem cells can be used in tissue regeneration. Learn more from this International Association for Dental Research press release…
Your health & medical news
According to a new CDC report, antibiotic misuse is killing Americans. Read more on the American Public Health Association website…
How are physicians being encouraged to treat acute sinusitis in children? Find out the latest guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Read the full text article…
Mind your business
Mind your manners & don’t ignore those ubiquitous online practitioner rating sites. This is the advice in a recent CMAJ news article reporting a study that links good online ratings with good bedside manner among Ontario urologists. Read more…
Motivate staff by recognizing meaningful effort. An entertaining video on this topic (20 minutes) can be seen on the website…
Once you have that motivated team humming along, redefine the care your patients will experience through collaborative practice. A recent Harvard Business Review article highlights a case study from a Wisconsin hospital system. Learn more…
If you wish to send us leads to news stories worth sharing that have come across your desk recently, please contact us by email at or by toll-free phone at 1-855-716-2747.
This comment is regarding: “Is dental care getting too expensive for middle-class Canadians? That may be the case, if we are to believe a recent story in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Read more on the CMAJ website…”
The first thing that struck me as misleading when I read this article was when the author stated that receiving dental care is too expensive. I would prefer to see ‘dental care’ more specifically defined. There is a vast cost difference between full mouth reconstruction vs a complete examination. Both are considered dental care. Are we discussing optimal dental care or basic? And when we discuss optimal dental care, does that mean optimal for that particular patient after considering the various factors, such as finances? I could argue that “Depending on how you look at it, dental care may be affordable after all!”
Dr. Richard Anderson